Tag: lilly pilly

How To Create Green Garden Walls

How To Create Green Garden Walls at Home

How To Create Green Garden Walls Written by Annabelle Drew One of the first things I do when I undertake a back garden make-over or design a new landscape for my clients is to plan for hiding the boundaries. Suburban timber paling or metal fences box us in, surrounding us with man-made, often unattractive walls which limit the feeling of…

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Peace and harmony in your garden

Creating Peace & Harmony In Your Garden

Written by Annabelle Drew Peace is defined as the state of freedom from war or disturbance. While we are lucky to live without war in this country, we can all relate to the idea of disturbance in our lives and minds. To free ourselves from this turbulence, we need to exercise contemplation and understanding. But how to achieve this? We…

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