Tag: recipes

Is The Animal In You Hiding?

Is The Animal In You Hiding?

Is The Animal In You Hiding? Written by Connie Rogers “Many animals can learn and teach their young, but humans are the only ones that think themselves more competent. Is it our language or ability to read, write or produce ART that makes us superior? The stories we tell about how we came to be who we are; often neglect the complexity…

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necterine and beetroot ssalad on white plate

Grilled Nectarine Salad

Grilled Nectarine Salad This is a special dish sure to be appreciated by the majority, it has a variety of flavours. Utilising the freshness, offered by the summer garden. This is a complete salad with asparagus, beetroot, tomato, and sweet almonds. The versatility of this dish is evident, with such a flavour punch it is sure to be a winner,…

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