3 Tips For leadership Post An Emergency
Written by Natasha Zervaas N.P.
The people from the State of Victoria have spent more time under unprecedented lockdown rules than they have had ‘free’ time, particularly in the Melbourne Metropolitan areas.
The face of business, our physical, mental and spiritual health have been forever changed through the experiences of this year.
Family units have broken down, jobs have been lost, and some would say the hope of getting through unscathed has also been lost.
According to an ABC news report, the toll on mental health from lockdown fatigue and stress are staggering with a very conservative estimate of a 14% increase in suicide rates over the lockdown period.
A lot of people are searching for direction right now, struggling to forge a new path for themselves in this new post-lockdown world we find ourselves living in.
Hence this is the time when we must step up and show leadership within our communities. Our social and familial networks are looking for leaders to shine a light on a new pathway in an uncertain post-covid future.
But how do we show leadership after lockdown?
I believe we must display the following characteristics:
Lead the Lead
Have integrity and always do what you say you are going to do.
Many people are feeling a sense of uncertainty and lack of direction at the moment, and hence are looking to us for reassurance, sense of purpose and direction. We as leaders should add a sense of calm, self-assuredness and authority to the current situation, as well as contribute to finding forward-thinking solutions to the numerous problems faced by our communities in this uncertain future.
So, In Order To Demonstrate Leadership, We Need To:
1. Walk The Talk
Actions always speak louder than words. A good leader doesn’t tell people what to do, they show people what to do and how to act through their own behaviour. Model more of what you want to see in this new world moving forward. Be proactive and take action by working alongside people within your local community. Use your networking skills to connect aligned people, local businesses and services together.
2. Be Congruent
Your actions really do speak louder than words – how you conduct yourself should always be authentic and genuine. Be honest, and this includes sharing the trials as well as the tribulations on your own journey. You are after all, only human, so allow others to see your vulnerability. Perhaps it takes being vulnerable and honest before someone who regards you as a leader, sees that you are not so different from them, yet you were able to overcome that hurdle, inspiring them to take positive action in their own lives.
I have recently experienced all three of the above characteristics in my personal and professional life. I am a Naturopath and Health Coach by trade and hence know logically what it takes to stay fit and healthy. However, after months of being in lockdown, I had just simply stopped moving my body. An extremely overweight Health Coach looked back at me in the mirror.
3. I Had To Ask Myself The Hard Questions:-
Was I being a good leader and role model in the health and wellness industry? Was I practising what I preached?
Was I being completely congruent with my clients and others who looked to me for guidance?
The answer was a resounding no.
I had to change and I had to change now! I needed to step up, stop ignoring the issue and become the very best version of myself. This self-reflection enabled me to look at my own life objectively and change course immediately in order to truly step into my role as an authority in my field of natural medicine. By sharing my own personal journey, I know I will help others by being a leading example.
I’m so pleased to say my own mind, body and spirit are now in true alignment – I am a happy and healthy Health Coach and Naturopath who is authentic, ‘walks the talk’ and leads by example within her industry and community.
If you are stressed, overwhelmed, need support and direction in a post-covid world, please reach out for help as you are not alone.
Call lifeline on 13 11 14
3 Tips For leadership Post An Emergency