That Never Stops (Hamster Wheel)
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow
We were introduced to an intriguing woman earlier this year by the name of Sammy Leo and were impressed by her story so much so that we thought you might enjoy learning a little about her too. Who knows perhaps something in her story may inspire you to get out there and like Nike says, “Just Do It!”
Sammy Leo is a 30-year-old woman from Dunedin in New Zealand who has created 2 businesses OHLEO cosmetics and Breeze Balm. She is the daughter and granddaughter of pharmacists in whose businesses she would work during school holidays. It was her grandfather and father who developed and refined a popular lip balm product, Sammy soon came to appreciate herself. Though once the family business was sold back in 2014, Sammy soon realised the supply of what became to her, and many customers of the family business an integral part of life would cease to exist. So she decided to do something about it, and hence Breeze balm was created. Followed by other enterprises that concentrate on her passion for health, “I have a social media online presence that showcases my zest for life, unique sense of style & personality, health, fitness, beauty and adventures, my mission is to make other women feel great in their own skin.”
Sammy is passionate about inspiring women to be confident in themselves, “I have felt the feelings of no self-worth & no purpose and confusion and it’s not fun, you feel alone and that’s really not the case.”
This is a woman who is passionate about her work and strives to achieve her goals, it pleases her to see her direct impact on others, by making them smile, feel included, or realise their own self-worth.
We all have dreams and aspirations as a child no matter how funny they may seem to us now, and when she was young Sammy dreamed of, “I wanted to be a backup dancer for Justin Timberlake, Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson.”
It is important to have role models, and ideals to aspire to in life and Sammy is no different, who do you look up to in life? “It seems to change depending on who I am relating to at the time but right now, I really idolize Jada Pinkett Smith & Will Smith. I love their outlook on life, I love how committed they are to their own self-love and their commitment to always stepping outside of their comfort zone. They really are living life to the fullest.”
Sammy is passionate about life, to her it is a gift we are lucky to receive. She hopes to share her experiences with others to inspire them in finding a happier life. She feels life should be lived to its fullest, and not taken too seriously, oh and she loves to dance.
Being passionate about health Sammy endeavours to fill her body with nutritious food on a daily basis, with her green powder, vitamins, loads of vegies and salads, “I literally ate a whole cucumber today! I am a sucker for a delicious Chicken salad! But I mean, like all women… I do love chocolate haha.”
What advice can you pass on to parents regarding children’s eating habits? “I believe the importance of teaching them healthy habits from the start will set a great foundation up for life. We feel so vibrant and energised on healthy foods so to realise that young would be a game-changer.”
I asked Sammy what five things, other than body parts she could not live without?
1. My Family 2.My Breeze Balm 3. Music 4. Hair Ties – I put my hair up a lot! 5. Money Hunny.
With such a hectic lifestyle, to relax Sammy aims to have a massage once a fortnight, and put down the phone as often as she can to watch a movie with friends. She also attributes this, putting down the phone with helping to enjoy life a little more, making the most of any situations even bad ones, and also being a bit more forgiving to yourself.
With the success of Breeze Balm and a balanced lifestyle, what is next for you? “The thing with success and running a business or two is just that, it is always onto the next thing. I feel like I’m running on a hamster wheel that never stops. I can’t give away too many of my secrets but what’s next coming to Breeze Balm and OHLEO will be amazing!”
Thank you Sammy Leo for sharing a bit of your story with us, I hope her story has inspired or sparked something inside of you. It just goes to prove that wherever you are amazing things are all around us and possible of achieving, all you need to do is be conscious of them, and then make it happen.