Considering mental health

Considering mental health

Written by Brady Walker According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community.” The issue of mental health is not new; far from…

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5 Ways to Give Back

5 Ways to Give Back To Your Community

Whilst Improving Your Wellbeing Written By Katie Lowe (BA, GradDipPosPsych) Anyone that has seen the movie ‘Castaway’ knows that we humans thrive on – even depend on connection. We are social beings that have evolved to subsist within supportive, nurturing communities. We love to feel like we belong, and research actually shows that the biggest single factor for predicting health,…

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7 Ways to “Stay Connected”

7 Ways to “Stay Connected” without Technology

Balance Technology And Humanity For An Abundant Life Written by Camille Lucy Technology is always advancing and the younger generations are more involved and adept with its use than perhaps older generations. Even still, technology has landed in the hands of just about everyone: from wee little babe to Great grandma’s (so impressive!). While technology is a superb tool to…

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How to Love Yourself

How to Love Yourself

& Why it’s so Important Written by Mituri Sharma Health and in a broader sense, wellness takes many various forms for different people. However, what few of us can deny is the importance of it which is why it is so important we spend a few minutes a day focussing on healing ourselves because: When we’re healthy, we’re happy which…

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Considering Mental health

Considering Mental health

Written by Katie Lowe (BA, GradDipPosPsych) Everyone knows that in order to stay physically fit and healthy, we need to exercise and take care of our bodies, but how often do we think about what it takes to stay mentally fit and healthy? People chat openly about exercise, diets and healthy eating all the time – but how often do…

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How to reduce your stress

How to reduce your stress in 3 easy steps

Written by Natasha Zervaas N.P. We live in a very fast paced world, we are working harder and longer hours than ever before, yet we are extremely time poor, and consequently, our physical and mental health is suffering. Stress related illnesses are almost at epidemic proportions in the western world today so somewhere along the way our lives are out…

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Mindful Mental Health

Mindful Mental Health in the New Normal

How to seek help in difficult times  Written by Laura Gomez COVID 19 has shone a new light on mental health, encouraging us all to think more creatively and adapt to access support differently. Yet for some people, stigma and shame can still be powerful barriers that block the path to seeking early help. Most of us will struggle at some point with an aspect of…

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Exploring the Often

Exploring the Often-Misunderstood World

Of Mental Health Written By Phillipa A. Brown When talking about mental illness, it typically refers to a condition that can significantly affect how a person thinks, feels, behaves and interacts with others. It might be helpful to think about mental health on a spectrum, where on one end of the spectrum, someone is considered to be mentally healthy and…

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Don’t forget your manners

Don’t forget your manners:

Modelling values to our children Written by Donna Cameron In this technological era, children are able to learn much more about their favourite topics than we ever could at their age.  They are reading at an earlier age, perhaps can speak different languages, and can easily search the internet for any information they want. Moreover, children are very independent.  They…

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What To Do When Your

What To Do When Your Child Is Anxious

     Written by Dr Melissa Keogh, Clinical Psychologist Oftentimes, parents of children who are displaying symptoms of anxiety are unsure as to how to help their child. It can indeed be difficult to know the right course of action to take or the right words to say when a young person is constantly seeking reassurance and excessively worried. So, what…

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Post traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Written by Kathy Fray I don’t believe most of the risk factors individually would tip so many women over the edge. But add them up: the low status we assign to mothering; the high value Western cultures place on a girlish figure; the isolation of today’s nuclear family; the workplace pressure that sends husbands away from home when their partners…

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Mindfully Relaxing

Mindfully Relaxing

Written by Carolyn King from Empowered Happiness Relaxation can be difficult when there are constant stresses bombarding us from different directions.  The current climate, with COVID19 means most of us are on constant alert, listening to news reports to hear the latest figures and quarantine rules local governments have put in place. This constant stress creeps into our lives affecting…

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5 Life Hacks

5 Life Hacks to Curb Overwhelm

Find more peace and joy in your everyday life while conquering your to-do list Written by: Camille Lucy In today’s modern society, it’s no surprise if your to-do list grows faster than you can check things off. Especially if you have a family. Often times, we feel that we have to do everything ourselves, and this can feel daunting, overwhelming…

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De-Stress Your Life

De-Stress Your Life

Written by Connie Rogers No one is immune from fear, stress or worry in their lifetime. However emotions can take hold and affect everyone differently depending on their most important asset, their mind-set. A diet of stressful emotions is no laughing matter.  These emotions in our nervous system can become toxic and settle into body organs which in turn could…

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Make ‘Me Time’

Make ‘Me Time’ A Priority

Written By Julia Lette It is commonplace to feel like taking time out for ourselves is selfish. We have been taught that we must work hard to deserve health and happiness and we put pressure on ourselves to be perfect, to be patient and nurturing parents, to be devoted and supportive partners, to be dependable and sociable family members and…

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Woman with pencil thinking

New Year’s Resolutions…We all make them.

These tips will help see them through. Written by Steve Molloy A new decade is upon us with New Year’s resolutions already in first gear. About 70% of people have ‘diet and eat healthy’ as their top priority followed by exercise more and lose weight. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by…

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woman with cup of tea sitting in lounge

Life is Always Causing You To Dream Bigger

How to Stay in the Flow, and Manifest Your Heart’s Desires Written by Camille Lucy As the wonderful Abraham-Hicks teaches, life is an experience of contrast.  You learn what you want, what you do not want, what feels good and what doesn’t. By living a life of duality, we are able to discern what is for us and what is…

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The Most Powerful

The Most Powerful Human Emotion

Is Longing For Connection Written by Connie Rogers Billions have pored into Facebook for this very reason. Connection! When young, we learn and are responsive to experiences and environmental influences. Connection is a language all its own and, most times, spoken without words. For instance, we seem to understand the mind/ muscle connection when we train for a marathon. In utero,…

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The Most Priceless

How To Create The Most Priceless Christmas Gift of All

Christmas Is A Time Of Sharing Written by Joy Fairhall Positive Psychology and Wellbeing specialist Christmas is a time for giving and receiving and for most of us, that means gifts, physical gifts. However, have you thought about a more meaningful way you can give gifts to each other during the festive season? What if you considered giving an authentic…

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Choosing respect

Choosing respect

And dealing with bullying Written by Jay Anderson As humans we are all “relational beings” -this means that connecting with others is actually really important for us and for our survival. Sure, there are some people whose personality is more introverted, who may like their own time and space, and other people (usually the exception) ….who may have social anxiety…

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Escaping the Judgement

Escaping the Judgement

Of Motherhood Written by Nikki Cox Being a mother comes hand-in-hand with being or feeling judged these days, particularly with the prominence of social media. It’s much more common than you think it is, with 6 in 10 mums in a recent report declaring they have been criticised for their parenting skills. But shaming a mum doesn’t seem to be…

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Superpower Against Bullies

Give your Kids a Superpower Against Bullies

Written By Joy Fairhall, Positive Psychology and Wellbeing specialist We all know the saying “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you”. This used to be said to kids who were upset by what other kids said about or called them. The reality, however, is that words can hurt, and sometimes very deeply and, in…

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Bullying And Cyberbullying

Bullying And Cyberbullying

Written by Joe Zhou Bullying / Cyberbullying is definitely a big issue that can harm the environment in schools, workplaces and friend circles. It doesn’t only happen between children but also between adults. Bullying can happen literally anywhere. It can happen in schools, at home, at work, in online social spaces, via text messaging or via email. It can be…

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Online Gaming

Online Gaming in the Offline World

Written by Nikki Cox Games are an integral part of human behaviour. It is normal and healthy to engage in play as part of daily life, including playing games online. The proliferation of personal screens in our everyday lives (phones, tablets, laptops) means that online gaming, or playful digital activities, can be accessed at most times and in most places.…

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