Whoever makes up your household, be it family, housemates, you and your significant other, or you and your pet, snapping everyone in a family photo is a rewarding activity. Regardless of whatever circumstances keep us apart from each other, we’re still celebrating occasions and milestones. It may look different, but we’re still doing life and making photograph-worthy memories. When you…
By Sam Taylor from The Nurture Project Measuring yourself against others can in some ways be helpful. You might feel inspired about someone else’s achievements which then motivates you to improve your own life. The recognition that your abilities are a notch above someone else’s can deliver a boost to your self esteem. But comparisons can be harmful when they…
For improved relationships with your family Written by Carolyn King from Empowered Happiness We all know our time is precious, and even more precious is the time we spend with our family and those closest to us. Relaxing with family is a great way to not only recharge our own batteries but also encourage stronger connections with those we love.…