Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma
Yep, you read that right. What if I told you that the oldest mother ever wanted to share her secrets with us and all we had to do was listen?
You may be a little doubtful, maybe even a little distrustful but I promise, I’m speaking the complete truth and you will be surprised at how many of us are simply not listening.
Mother Nature has been taking care of all of her children long before any of us or our adorable children came on the scene and she’s been doing a very good job at it as well. Why we’re not listening to her wisdom is a little baffling but if you’re ready to learn from this awesome Mother, let’s get started!
Natural is the best
Health is down pat, the most important attribute in all of our lives and as mothers, we want nothing more than to ensure the safety of our own little tiny tots with some of us going to great lengths in ensuring our children are as healthy and happy as possible.
Unfortunately however, staying healthy can also be quite expensive which is why I am a strong advocate for prevention rather than cure. I think it is the best possible option for my family and I to stay healthy all the time rather than waste my energy and precious time trying to cure ourselves from niggling ailments or injuries.
This brings me to the next point - the use of Organic and/or Natural products. What we put on and into our bodies is extremely important when it comes to taking care of our families. As the news of Johnson’s and Johnson’s Baby Powder’s Cancer scare hits our shores, it has only added to the list of issues products made up of chemical substances have caused over the years.
When large corporations that countless women have relied upon for decades to take care of our most precious belongings ever, our children, start coming under the spotlight for potentially life threatening diseases, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Money is pointless if we don’t have our health so maybe it’s time we start thinking about adopting a more natural lifestyle.
Can Nature help alleviate our children’s allergies?
With a significant increase in food allergies developing, more of us are turning to organic alternatives for what we put on our dining table. I am constantly surprised at learning how many mothers out there are busy cooking a plethora of meals for their families in order to cater for all the various allergies different family members are painfully and tiredly struck down with. Which is why it’s a safer bet to use Organic foods and better yet, maybe something you’ve actually grown and handpicked from the garden.
There are also a whole lot of options for Organic products available nowadays which means that parents and kids are happy together. Try visiting your local health outlets or community run cooperatives for some inspiration. Who knows, you may never go back to conventional options ever again!
Make Mother Nature your Mentor and learn from her Wisdom
Mother Nature has been given her name for a reason; she is sacrificing in her very nature and works tirelessly to provide the best there is for all her children and that’s exactly what you do for your family every single day.
Mothers are busy, overworked and time poor yet nothing can stop that smile on our face when we see our families happy and healthy, it’s an achievement that’s incomparable. But that doesn’t mean we don’t need a helping hand every now and then, does it?
And I cannot think of a better Mother to learn from than our very own planet.
There’s a reason everyone’s on the Organic Bandwagon and it is here to stay. Don’t be the last grape on the grapevine, be the example for your family and friends.
As clichéd as it sounds, Nature just make sense. It’s the way Mother Nature intended for us to live, naturally, organically. Eat what’s in season and use what’s made by the Earth on your body without chemical intervention, chances are you’ll feel better for it. Always remember to discuss any alterations to your normal routine with your medical practitioner prior to adopting any changes and you’re set.
"Have you listened to Mother Nature when it comes to taking care of your family and how has it helped? Let us know in the Comments Section."
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