Author page: Kevin Kapusi Starow

kids out camping

Family Holiday In East Africa

Written by Tracey Bell East Africa is such an exciting destination for families, with plenty of activities and experiences to give you and your children lasting memories.  There’s no denying that it is a more challenging destination than most, but if your children are aged from around nine years (so they can engage with and remember the experience) it can…

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Spicy Tuna Rolls with Sea Grapes on white platter

Spicy Tuna Rolls With Sea Grapes

Spicy Tuna Rolls Written by Renata Trebing If you have ever been hesitant about preparing sushi rolls, well you are not alone you are perhaps in the majority. Though here is a simple recipe, Spicy Tuna Rolls, to help break through that fear and have you delving into the world of Japanese inspired gastronomy. Sea Grapes are one of those…

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summer fun waterfights

Energizing the Family for Fitness

Written by Marguerita Cheng Getting your family off the couch is tough. When you add in smartphones, tablets, and other mobile gadgets, it seems impossible. But don’t let that deter your efforts! You know exercise is essential for your family’s health. From lowering risks of disease, controlling weight, and helping kids perform better in school, it has many benefits. With…

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Get more energised by using nature

Written by Clint Bauer Working with children on a regular basis and often spending time with my niece and nephews, what I find energises them the most (and us!) is spending time in nature. Why is nature good for family fitness and getting active? (Get more energised) For one… it’s free to use!  That’s a pretty good reason right there!…

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family walking in the field

Building a Healthy Foundation for the Entire Family

Author: Cherie Rivas Let’s face it…. regardless of whether you’ve got one child, a whole tribe of kids, or you’re still in the planning stages…. you want to be an actively engaged parent and build a solid foundation that supports the health and happiness of each family member. Mums and Dads will already know, that once kids become mobile, you…

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measuring waist with bowl of salad

Weight Gain & The Interconnection With Toxic Scents

Are you exposed to environmental toxins and find yourself unable to lose unwanted weight?  For my readers, I’d like to simplify the relationship between toxic scents, ‘weight loss efforts’, and hormone imbalances. There are many tired of the weight-loss rollercoaster and want to learn why they haven’t been successful in the past. So let’s touch on a few barriers that…

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out camping with eggs and map

Fun Ways to Get Your Family Active

(and Why It’s Important…) Written by Annette Rose It’s no secret that in 2019 we are all trying to fit more in – technology has given rise to an era of ‘always on’ affecting us and our families in ways that are not all positive. I can work from the time I wake up till the time I go to…

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family jogging by the sea

Energizing the Family

Written by Joe Zhou Any opportunity to spend quality time with your family should be taken advantage of. Doing activities together and sharing laughter during an afternoon is something that is priceless. Happiness and family health are two things that go hand in hand. What is fitness? (Energizing the Family) Fitness is a way of being what will help you…

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