man in white pants standing on hands

Written by Connie Rogers

As we age, we look around and wonder where did the time go. I know I’m not the only one that has seen my reflexion in the mirror and said this. So with some inner thought I believe, only when we include ‘intention’ to our day, we can successfully stop racing against time.

Whether it’s recovering from depression, or being the only caregiver for your aging parents, self-care requires intention. When I describe self-care I mean taking time out for ‘me time.’ But, being unable for whatever reason to change habits, intentions to take time out may get lost.

To me, scheduling ‘me time’ means creating time for my own health and success, throughout this journey we call life.

Silent ways we may sabotage me-time'

Television and violent video games are a waste of time. Bad news and violence can be not only brain washing, but they also create stress to an already tired and stressed-out brain.

As a mom, we spend time making sure everyone, and everything else is taken care of before we even realize it’s a beautiful blue-sky day, and we need to be taking a moment to enjoy some rays.

Men may find themselves spending more time on the weekends with their honey-do-list, avoiding their own health. ‘Me-time’ may include going to the gym in order to decrease stress levels, increase neurotransmitters, and energy levels in order to stay motivated to complete mundane task.

Girlfriends spend time together in bars on Friday nights thinking alcohol is the only way to relax. After all TGIF is tradition! We may waste ‘me- time,' if we frequent bars every week, or it becomes an addictive toxic habit.

Self-care moments to include

First, find some form of exercise you enjoy, whether it’s running, swimming or nature walking, and just go do it.

Taking time to meditate is a calming practice to learn in order to understand what your body needs the most. Only when we are still- can we take that first step to let go of people and emotions that may drain us, and than see who unconditionally supports us.

Discover ways to incorporate mindfulness into everyday habits.  Mindfulness is about how you see, taste, feel, and be with your own experiences.

Welcome change, whether it’s driving a new direction to your destination or discovering a new hobby.

Make a schedule to manage your ‘me-time,’ and it will become second nature!

The downside of waiting too long for ‘me-time’

Some days we have really good intentions to make time to shop for healthier food choices or call that friend that we haven’t seen in years. But, we never seem to follow through. Time seems to be our enemy.

Months pass, and we notice a little ache or pain here and there, but it’s dismissed as we swallow a pill with as little water as possible. There, that’ll fix it!

Years later, a degenerative disease is diagnosed and fear sets in. We may feel we have no time to think about it, so we panic, and start putting our affairs in order. Interestingly enough, in my life, I’ve found rational thinking can not be found in the same room as panic.

So, why do we wait until we are not feeling well or are in a bad relationship, before we take a step to reflex and make simple changes?

Band-aid approaches may stand in the way

As a coach, I see band-aid approaches at every corner of the room we call, stuck.

Stuck can include not clearing out a pile of papers on your desk you’ve had piled high for a year or more. Or, it could mean putting off seeing that therapist to put your marriage back on track. Whether it’s procrastination or not having the confidence to take a new path, you may never discover your own potential, when you feel stuck.

Personally, I am grateful, I had a good friend and mentor in my life that helped me to understand the importance of ‘me-time’ and so I feel compelled to share this message with you.

Whether you want to be successful at work, team sports, relationships, or wellness, making time for yourself would be the precursor to making any important changes in your life. The difference in your results is the tools you have at our disposal.

With a certified coach you’re given the tools and the support, you need to follow through with your intentions.  A good coach guides and keeps you accountable and is someone that is interested is seeing you be all that you can be! 

The importance of ME The importance of ME The importance of ME

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