Written by Connie Rogers
No one is immune from fear, stress or worry in their lifetime. However emotions can take hold and affect everyone differently depending on their most important asset, their mind-set. A diet of stressful emotions is no laughing matter. These emotions in our nervous system can become toxic and settle into body organs which in turn could show up as illnesses, autoimmune disorders and cancers.
- *Studies have suggested that an abundance of worry and fear can show up as arthritis or psoriasis.
- *Stress can keep the body in a chronic state of inflammation.
- *When our mind is occupied with fear, our decision making skills take a nosedive. We then perceive problems as being unsolvable.
- *Stress can derail our thoughts and can keep our brain from setting down and focusing on critical issues or passing that important math test.
- *When stuck in an argument and experiencing stress, we forget how to breathe.
Other signs of stress may include:
- Back Pain
- Constipation or Diarrhea
- Depression
- Asthma
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Weight Issues
- Indigestion/Gerd
Happier emotions can increase energy reserves, improve health and relationships.
Here are 13 Tips that can make a world of difference for you to de-stress!
1- Food affects every cell in our body. Any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and nutrients will lead to stress. This means ditching foods such as sugar and trans-fats. Trans-fats and sugary processed foods cause mitochondria misconduct. When we avoid toxic foods, we can add in more beautiful thoughts.
2- Greens are a great go to color to de-stress the gut. In fact green superfoods such as kale and spinach build strength when experiencing stressful moments.
3- Work on relationship bonding instead of using antidepressants. This will build connection with loved ones.
4- Pay attention to the people you surround yourself with. We may need to leave toxic friendships behind. Saying goodbye to toxic friends may not be an easy task but it can prove beneficial in the long run.
5- Remove body burden for less inflammation. Less toxins you expose your body to the less stress it will have.(1) Toxic exposures include, pesticides and household cleaners, dryer sheets and laundry detergents.
6- Increase calm by clearing the clutter. When we take a long hard look at clutter in our home, we may find things that no longer serve our lifestyle today. Clutter includes things that drain us instead of giving us energy. Make your desk, office or music room a place you can be proud of.
7- Recover from a fear based lifestyle and eliminate your limiting beliefs. Remember all problems are solvable. Our body and brain is a product of our environment and therefore when we take charge to change limiting beliefs, we can easily move from fear into happy. Happiness is a pattern we can set for our brain.(2)
8- Find a bit of joy and gratitude each day. Ask who or what you are thankful for. Begin to recognize and write down happy moments.
9- Release the toxic self-talk. Learn to forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, and stop the Negative Nellie thoughts in your head. Love yourself for who you are right now.
10- Practice listening more at home, work or school. This gives rise to a better way of communicating with the people we know and care for. When we learn to listen more, we actually communicate better.
11- When was the last time you scheduled me-time? Taking time to meditate is a calming practice to learn and understand what your body needs the most. Re-evaluate who you are.
12- Exercise is a great way to de-stress. Walking biking, going to the gym are all ways to increase oxygen, circulation and better thoughts. Find what form of exercise you like to do and go do it! Exercise boost serotonin levels.
13- The best advise when stressed throughout the day is, don’t take it to bed with you at night. Reduced sleeping time has a direct link to a foggy brain, and how you handle stress.(3)
If you are stressed before bed, you may want to practice some breathing exercises, diffuse organic lavender essential oil(4) or play some soothing music. Music helps to de-stress.
When we pay attention to the body’s cues around stress, we have the knowledge and power of what is needed in order to de-stress! When we change the way we view stress, we experience more joy, love, peace and gratitude.
We welcome comments. How do you de-stress?
- 1- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3239317/
- 2- http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/02/what-a-happy-cell-looks-like/385000/?
- 3-http://blogs.naturalnews.com/kick-insomnia-gut-prevent-weight-gain/
- 4- https://skinhealthfromwithin.com/2015/09/18/organic-lavender-essential-oil/
De-Stress Your Life De-Stress Your Life De-Stress Your Life De-Stress Your Life