Tag: fertility

Improve Your Fertility Naturally

Improve Your Fertility Naturally

Written by Dr Raewyn Teirney. Improve your fertility naturally, with these simple lifestyle tweaks, which may help you conceive a baby without medical intervention! In fact, being in a state of optimal health plays an important role in increasing fertility and boosting your chance of natural conception.   Improve Your Fertility With Folic Acid According to WHO guidelines and RANZCOG (Royal…

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What is Secondary Infertility

What is Secondary Infertility

Are You Struggling With It? What is Secondary Infertility Written by Dr Raewyn Teirney Secondary Infertility is the medical term for the condition where couples struggle to conceive their second or even third time, even if they conceived relatively quickly and easily with their first child.  How Do I Know If I Have Secondary Infertility?  We consider that a couple…

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Unleashing the Beast in the Bedroom

Unleashing the Beast in the Bedroom

From a Country Mouse to a Lioness Written by Susan Jarvis Many years ago I went on a journey to explore my sexuality, you could say, to find the animal inside and unleash my inner beast. I used to be quite shy in the bedroom and had difficulty speaking up about my needs. I was always focused on pleasing my…

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Tofu – a friend or foe?

Tofu a friend or foe – there are always two sides to a story and there is definitely an argument for and against the consumption of soy products – and this is for a few reasons. One of the negatives of growing soybeans using current farming practices is that the majority of crops are either genetically modified or sprayed with…

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What Can Sabotage Our Health?

What Can Sabotage Our Health?

Written by Connie Rogers The reason most people are sick is that we are exposed to thousands of man-made chemicals and poisons in this world. Poison starts the disease process and prevents us from being the best we can be. BFAs, opioids, obesogens, heavy metal contamination, Glyphosate, fertilizers, prescription drugs such as antidepressants, birth control pills and statins, fluoride dispensaries,…

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Are Orgasms good for your health?

Are Orgasms good for your health?

As told by a lover of the multiple kind … Written by Naomi Radke Can you imagine if we all stayed in a constant state of ‘orgasm’? Whoa, that would be a pretty zenned out world! Where do I sign up?! As an intimate writer, I guess it is not surprising that I have been researching the delights of the…

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Address Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Address Self-Sabotaging Behaviors to Achieve a Peaceful Life

Writtten by Connie Rogers is a Certified Brain & Health Coach owner of www.bitesizepieces.net Below are 5 easy steps for living a peaceful life. Address Your Stress; If we want to achieve balance and peace in our life, we first have to understand the source of our stress. For example, it could be memories from childhood abuse.  According to the…

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Improve your sex life

Improve your sex life

With domestic harmony and inner peace. Written by Susan Jarvis Lately, my life has been like living inside a whirlwind of overwhelm. I have been pinched and pulled in all directions!  My mind ticks constantly and every waking moment is devoted to problem-solving. No wonder I feel wired and switched on most of my day.  As you can guess, I’ve…

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Getting back to basics and into nature

Getting back to basics and into nature

The benefits for your mental health Written by Donna Cameron, In the hustle and bustle of daily life, most people find it extremely difficult to take any time out for themselves.  When I talk to them about the importance of getting back to nature, such as breathing in some fresh air, taking their shoes off and walking barefoot on the…

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Positive Psychology

What’s New In Positive Psychology?

Written by Dr Melissa Keogh, Clinical Psychologist New research in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing by Proyer, Gander, Brauer, & Chick (2020) (https://iaap-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/aphw.12220) investigating the personality trait adult playfulness has found that playfulness can be stimulated by undertaking specific exercises and that increased playfulness positively impacts wellbeing and symptoms of depression in the short term. THE STUDY (Positive…

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Nutrition Idea

Nutrition Idea

Written by osteopath Claire Richardson Osteopaths know about nutrition. We wouldn’t usually write out menu plans or diet restrictions like an accredited dietician would (which is exactly why we refer to them if necessary), however we can advise you on basic nutrition principles – such as macro nutrients (protein/carbohydrate/fat), micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and ways at which you can…

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A Support Community

A Support Community

Helping You Do It All Written by Rachel Allan, marketer, coach, author and mum. We are not designed to be able to do it all – alone. Being a present mum, domestic goddess, super business women – none of it. Super-mum is a myth and kept alive by others highlight reels on social media. When you believe you need to…

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Staying Mentally Healthy

Staying Mentally Healthy in Parenthood

Written by Nikki Cox When you become a parent, something fundamental shifts inside of you. Every fibre of your being is devoted to learning how to parent, and how to do it to the best of your ability with each challenge that comes along. You give up large parts of yourself to nurture and care for your children; mentally, emotionally,…

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Your gut and brain

Your gut and brain

– an intertwined connection! Written by Adriana Krueger Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach or a “gut feeling” about something? We were always taught to think this may just be a human function, but numerous studies have found links between the gut and the brain. In fact, the gut affects more than you probably think. Let’s take a…

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Who is Looking after

Who is Looking after YOU?

Written by Jay Anderson Well, where has the year gone?? It’s been a tricky few months. Lots of changes. Too much in the news. What’s happening here? Or there? Who really do you believe??  The tv, the newspaper? The internet? Or Facebook? Your friends?? what is the latest? What are you allowed to do, or not do….?? more changes. Things…

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Hydration & Nutrition for

Hydration & Nutrition for Babies & Toddlers

Written by Kathy Fray Pot plants have pretty straight forward nutritional needs – feeding, watering and sunlight – but personally I have sometimes become frustratingly adept at killing pot-plants. The bad news is that babies and toddlers are obviously way more complicated than pot-plants! The good news is that babies and toddlers can also be way less complicated than pot-plants … so long as you’ve got…

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Foods First

Foods First… Before Supplementation

Written by Connie Rogers a Certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach. It has been said that the epidemic of supplementation means people aren’t necessarily making time to consume nutritious foods that provide the body necessary vitamins and minerals. In my search for the truth, I found vitamins can help, but they can also harm. This is because I see so many…

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How to accept Nature’s

How to accept Nature’s help

To boost your confidence Written by Nim Veda Mother Nature is amazing. She really is. How else can we explain her ability to pretty much provide us with the solutions to many of the problems we all face? One of these major problems is our debilitating lack of confidence. Though many of us shudder at the thought of accepting and…

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The Real Scoop

The Real Scoop about Asthma Everyone Should Know

Written by Connie Rogers According to the Department of Respiratory Diseases, asthma is a disorder of the respiratory tract associated with chronic inflammation. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases, with an estimated 300 million cases worldwide. (1) “In the United States alone, more than 25 million people are known to have asthma. About 7 million of these…

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5 Life Hacks

5 Life Hacks to Curb Overwhelm

Find more peace and joy in your everyday life while conquering your to-do list Written by: Camille Lucy In today’s modern society, it’s no surprise if your to-do list grows faster than you can check things off. Especially if you have a family. Often times, we feel that we have to do everything ourselves, and this can feel daunting, overwhelming…

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The Right Prenatal Vitamins

The Right Prenatal Vitamins

For You And Your Baby Written by Nicole Tomazic-Spanger I took prenatal vitamins religiously throughout both my pregnancies. While I knew that I might be deficient in some nutrients, I began my staple during the preconception period specifically to increase folic acid. I was fortunate to birth two healthy children, but in retrospect, I wish that I had taken prenatal…

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De-Stress Your Life

De-Stress Your Life

Written by Connie Rogers No one is immune from fear, stress or worry in their lifetime. However emotions can take hold and affect everyone differently depending on their most important asset, their mind-set. A diet of stressful emotions is no laughing matter.  These emotions in our nervous system can become toxic and settle into body organs which in turn could…

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woman with cup of tea sitting in lounge

Life is Always Causing You To Dream Bigger

How to Stay in the Flow, and Manifest Your Heart’s Desires Written by Camille Lucy As the wonderful Abraham-Hicks teaches, life is an experience of contrast.  You learn what you want, what you do not want, what feels good and what doesn’t. By living a life of duality, we are able to discern what is for us and what is…

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Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome– PMS

Written by Dr. Joseph Sgroi What is it? PMS refers to physical and emotional symptoms that some women experience in the lead up to menstruation. Symptoms often occur in the one to two weeks before hand and stop once bleeding begins. PMS can interfere with day to-day activities and relationships and the severity is often measured based on this. What…

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