Is The Animal In You Hiding?

Written by Connie Rogers
“Many animals can learn and teach their young, but humans are the only ones that think themselves more competent. Is it our language or ability to read, write or produce ART that makes us superior?
The stories we tell about how we came to be who we are; often neglect the complexity of biology and the oceans during which we evolved. To understand human evolution, we need new stories." Adam Rutherford, The Book of Humans: the story of how we became us.
What are our stories?
What are we comparing our body image too, what leaders do we model after, and what stories do we tell? (1)
Today, most humans have a distorted image of their body, often due to the misunderstanding of the importance of strength training and anti-ageing practices. If we don't even attempt to train and compete in a marathon, we most definitely could not run or fight to save our own life or the life of our family. Centuries ago, we needed a healthy body to survive, hunt for food, and fight wars.
Today many countries have turned to their leaders for protection. Protection has been denied. Our leaders in Australia and the United States have become advocates of breaking our connections with our loved ones and keeping us under their control with the latest medications and an abundance of genetically modified food choices. Most foods we eat are no longer consumed from Mother Earth, increasing our risk for illnesses, disrupted hormones, and poor mental capabilities.
This way of being is way different than any animal in the wild.
Recently, being human means we have become easily manipulated and swayed as to the will of the tribe in power. Leaders along with unelected officials simply cancelled our history, culture, and stories when they censored our voice. One can never censor a pack of wolves. They stand in unison meaning they depend on the consensus of all members in their tribe.
For economic reasons, our tribe leaders are determined to pit children against children and adults against adults, destroying families, our history, and our stories about where we came from and how we have become who we are today. Humiliation turns into chronic stress and emotional pain within our bodies, making improving health a losing battle.
A stressed body is most certainly a malfunctioning body.
Negativity makes us forget the magic of our internal rythms, failing to acknowledge the beauty we possess
Where would we be if we were simply at peace with our world, our family, and our tribe? The animal in us would appear. We may wish to make our bodies healthier and stronger. We may choose to eat organic foods and implement a daily workout schedule. We may begin to treat ourselves with kindness, limit negative self-talk, and reconnect with our higher self. It would mean loving our mind and body rather than despising it. It would mean nourishing our body rather than drugging it. It would mean including positive self-care rituals and sharing these with the tribe of our choice. It would also be critical to use your own instincts that the animal in you provides.
Don't Compromise yourself. You are all you've got.
Janis Joplin
Change your thinking, change your tribe, change your life!
*Change is inevitable. However, making changes is sometimes done with reluctance. And, most changes are only made if we can no longer stand the pain or abuse. What can we do now? Breathe deep, Be prepared, Be brave, and Be open to new ways of thinking and living.
*It takes daily work to build a happy muscle. Move from frustration to a state of being grateful for all that you have now. Start identifying and implementing a safety plan for you and your neighbours. If fear is holding you back, think about how you might start to tackle the fear.
*Take time out. We can become grumpy when the body and brain aren't replenishing energy stores through sleep or diet. Slow down and address the connection between your diet, moods, and anxiety levels.
*The new year is coming. Just think of those times when you were energized and excited. You felt inspired, ready to take on the world. You felt this way because of strong positive emotions that flooded your body and influenced your energy reserve; you were a winner, you loved life, you danced. You were ahead of the game.
*Expanding awareness is one of those things we can't help doing once we decide to read more. Enjoy the journey. Be curious and open to the learning process. And most importantly, apply what you already know to be true. “Man himself is mans greatest danger to man,” according to Carl Jung.
Remember to apply your light and share compassion along with your story.
All Life Is A Learning Process.
When we stop learning and sharing, life ceases to amaze us.
Food Focus: Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are on everyone’s mind this season. They seem to go hand in hand with the holidays.
Cravings for sweets can be greatly reduced by adding sweet vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, yams, parsnips, beets, squash, and turnips to your daily diet. Sweet potatoes don’t jolt blood sugar as refined carbohydrates, so there’s no energy crash after you eat them. They are higher in nutrients than white potatoes and especially rich in vitamin A. Sweet potatoes offer a healthy sense of comfort. They are healing to the stomach, spleen, pancreas and reproductive organs and help to remove toxins from the body. If you don’t have any sweet potatoes in your kitchen, go out and buy some (organic and/or local sweet potatoes) and make the recipe below.

Sweet Potato & Apple Soup
- Blender
- baking tray
- 1 organic sweet potato-cooked
- 2 organic green apples -cored
- ½ avocado- pitted
- 2 tsp cinnamon - sea salt
- 5 cups water
- Wash the sweet potatoes and bake them whole, in their skins, at 400 degrees until tender, about 40 minutes.
- Remove skins, place in Vita-mix with chopped apple and avocado.
- Add water, cinnamon, and a pinch of sea salt
- Blend until smooth and hot about 2 minutes
Is The Animal In You Hiding? Is The Animal In You Hiding? Is The Animal In You Hiding?