Stop Sickness In Its Tracks With Nature’s Help
Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma
I’m guessing like the rest of us you don’t want to spend winter being tied up in bed sick, right?
I hear you!
You’re busy. We’re all guilty of ignoring what’s important for our health and well-being in order to complete that little bit of extra work knocking down our door.
It could be that thing your boss asked on her desk yesterday to keep that promise you made about helping your kid finish their Science project two months ago. Regardless, taking care of yourself has now dropped a notch or two on your Must-Do list this week and you’re pushing it back another week.
For the fifth time.
Why am I being so mean?
I promise you I’m not.
What I do want to do is get you back on track to keeping that promise you made with your body and its health easily, quickly, and best of all naturally.
Want to know more? Let’s go!
Keeping Ahead Of Flu’s & Viruses – Naturally
Like all living things, viruses are becoming smarter. Though the flu vaccination is a tempting alternative for many of us, many fear that immunisations may perhaps assist with strengthening bacterial defense systems making it a tougher fight for our antibodies. There is no scientific proof that this does occur, however.
Ancient, natural solutions to dealing with, and often preventing viruses are making a comeback for good reason. These earthly fixes have limited (and in many cases) no side effects, making their daily uses of them a no-brainer for many of us. Another added advantage to this formidable mix of a power shot is the good wholesome nutritional value many of these remedies contain which is making many of us ask why didn’t we do this sooner!?
Yoga Can Be Short & Sharp
Many associate yoga with spiritual awakenings, sun-tanned beaches, lagoons and most imperatively, excessive leisure time but the truth is, yoga doesn’t just have to be “a nice thing to do when I retire”.
Sometimes, it can even be done in about two minutes flat. Think about that, taking care of yourself for life in two minutes, twice a day? Imagine the possibilities.
This is a good point to introduce you to the wondrous world of Turmeric. The advantages of this spice are so miraculous, it’s no surprise it’s being spearheaded as one of the greatest things to have hit the natural shores.
Turmeric is so beneficial; it has been used for centuries in the Indian subcontinent, especially by Ayurvedic and Yoga experts for thousands of years so you’re going to be hard-pressed to find a more stellar resume.
Turmeric is commonly addressed as one of Mother Nature’s miraculous healing cures and has a wide variety of health benefits. Ongoing studies suggest that it may be extremely beneficial in debilitating ailments including, but not limited to, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies and more.
How To Make This Part Of Your Diet …
Used throughout the ages as a potent anti-inflammatory resource by the ancient Indian & Chinese civilizations, Turmeric is also known as an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cystic fibrosis, and as a possible preventative resource for childhood-inflicted leukemia.
It is also known to improve liver and cardiovascular functions while lowering cholesterol.
Turmeric is a fine addition to curries, egg, and vegetable rice due to its warm, slightly bitter, and peppery flavoured taste recently science has stated that cooking with the spice is when it is at its most beneficial so cook, boil and steam away.
But if you’re not a curry person, don’t worry. We’re still good! Apart from the many Turmeric Chai Lattes, you can purchase in most coffee and tea hideouts, yogis will often mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk until it boils. Drink this liquid twice a day (add some honey and pepper for best results) and keep arthritis and inflammation away for life. It’s as simple and quick as that!
Because you’re so clearly a Turmeric fan now, here’s one more Bonus Tip just for you. Cut yourself and can’t seem to stop the bleeding? Sprinkle some Turmeric on the open wound and watch the blood stop like magic.
Though you probably can’t wait to go and buy some Turmeric right now, make sure you speak with your medical practitioner before adding Turmeric to your diet as it can interfere with some medications and medical conditions.
Also, find an organic Turmeric (or even better - a Hand pounded Certified Organic version) to get the best nutrients and properties of this incredible spice exactly the way Nature intended - bar all the damaging effects of heat and cold processing.
Using The Power Of The C
Not only is Lemon a great source of vitamin C, coupled with the wonderful immune building and anti-oxidant components of Organic Honey, we’re not surprised this magical gift from Mother Nature has the flu and annoying pollen shaking in their menacing boots.
Mix the juice from half a freshly squeezed Organic Lemon with a teaspoon of Organic Honey in lukewarm water and drink first thing in the morning. This is a morning power drink packing a three-way punch, it’s great for weight loss (just in time for the Summer bikini), it’s great for your skin and it’ll build your immune system to a level that’s going to have the Hulk green (or greener) with envy.
Now Go & Boost That Immunity
There you have it.
Simple, easy to adopt, and quick solutions to staying fit and healthy, and best of all – nature’s doing most of the grunt work for you.
Stay safe this winter season and let us know how it goes for you and your family!
Have you got any natural remedy stories you can share? Let us know and spread the natural love!