And why it is important
Written by Tanya Abbey
“One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.” A quote written by one of my favourite authors - Napoleon Hill - who is best known for "Think and Grow Rich." In this book, he talks about the power of thought and how your mindset can impact your life.
Our lives are not just busy, they are stressful, and now, more than ever, we are being pulled in so many different directions which creates internal conflict when we cannot find balance and harmony in our lives.
I have spoken about how to be more mindful and tuning into your body but below are the four things that I apply to my own life, outside of the above, when trying to find that balance.
Show gratitude
Gratitude is central to my life and I don't just reflect on things I'm grateful for, I make sure I show gratitude to the people in my life, those who are there for me, who make the time for me and who give without expecting anything in return. Showing people that you care and being grateful provides a perspective on your life and makes you appreciate what you have instead of what you don't have.
Be present
We are so disconnected from each other, particularly after the effects and distance that Covid created over the past 18 months. We need human interaction and connection to feel a sense of community and belonging. In every interaction, be in the moment and be present with your audience. The person who is on the other side of your interaction will feel as though they are genuinely being listened to and you will feel more connected to this person and others in your life.
Always be learning
Being curious and sharing knowledge is a way to always feel like you are progressing but also a way to help others in your life. Unlearn what you think you know by keeping your mind open, reading more and gaining insight from other people around different topics. Learning something new is such a rewarding process and is lifelong.
Live with passion
What are we doing here if we are not living our life with passion and purpose? I love what I do and I approach my work, family and my interactions with enthusiasm and joy. The best way to find out what your purpose is is to think about a time in a role where you were working on a project, in a team or what kind of day you were having where you truly felt joy in what you were doing. What was it about those people, that day or the impact you were having? The simple answer here is to simply do more of what makes you feel a sense of purpose and follow that path.
There are so many things you can do to bring harmony and peace into your life and simply slowing down, and taking that time out for yourself to discover it, will have positive impacts on not just your life, but your work and the relationships around you. Find out what and who matters most to you and make those areas your priority.
Bringing harmony to your life Bringing harmony to your life Bringing harmony to your life