What constitutes a plant-based lifestyle?
Written by Adrianna Krueger
For many people, living a plant-based lifestyle is not just about nourishment, but about all aspects of their life. There are many reasons for a vegan diet. Above all, there is ethical motivation. Experts consider the plant-based diet to be particularly healthy, but ecological responsibility also motivates people to commit themselves to this lifestyle.
“It’s not possible to treat this way of living just as a mere dietary approach; it is a lifestyle, a way of relating and connecting.” (The ultimate gutfix – by Scott Mathias)
The plant-based way of life has taken its place in society!
While the politicians are still thinking about naming meat alternatives, veggie burgers and veggie sausages are already enjoying great popularity at summer barbecue parties. Alternatives to meat are in greater demand than ever. Thanks to the wide variety of plant-based options to avoid animal products such as meat, milk and eggs, the enjoyment of those is not neglected either. At the same time, people are becoming increasingly aware of the possible positive effects of a plant-based lifestyle. Vegan restaurants and cafes are booming and vegan cookbooks are becoming bestsellers. All of this shows: Veggie products have taken a firm place in the market.
Whether for ethical reasons, to protect the environment and climate or to maintain your own health, there are many reasons to discover the plant-based way of life for yourself. It is becoming increasingly clear that the consumption of animal products is largely responsible for numerous global problems such as clearing the rainforest for the cultivation of animal feed. Since a plant-based lifestyle can help alleviate all of these problems, the trend towards a diet without animal products has rapidly gained momentum in recent years. A plant-based way of life saves many animals from a shortened life in factory farming, reduces the personal ecological footprint and can contribute to a reduction in world hunger. In addition, a balanced vegan diet can promote your own health. A diet without animal products can be extremely versatile and open up a world full of new culinary delights.
For many people, however, a plant-based lifestyle is not just about their nutrition, but about other aspects of their life. In addition to their diet, many also pay attention to what clothes they wear. For the reason that NO animal should suffer for fashion trends today. The demand for vegan clothing is growing and there are numerous alternatives to wool, leather and the like, such as pineapple leather or cork handbags.
When it comes to body care, too, more and more people are attaching importance to plant-based products. In order to be able to identify vegan products more easily when shopping, cosmetics and body care products as well as detergents and cleaning agents have been licensed with the label “Vegan Australia Certified”.
The plant-based way of life has long had a permanent place in society. Even the fast food chains are adapting to the trend and expanding their vegan menu every year. In Australia, 2.5 million people are already eating vegetarian. In addition, there are more and more people who consciously reduce their consumption of animal foods for various reasons. As long as the alternatives to animal products remain tasty, varied and competitively priced, there is no end in sight to this development.
Ten reasons that speak for the vegan lifestyle!
There is much to be said for a diet without any animal products: your own health, animal welfare, environmental protection, food justice and the enjoyment of plant-based delicacies. Below I have put together 10 “arguments” that prove that veganism is no longer a fad!
Your health
Vegans are less overweight and have a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Even a partially plant-based diet several days a week has a positive effect on your health.
(Book recommendations: “The China Study” – by T.Collin Campbell; “How not to die” – by Micheal Greger)
The environment
Meat requires 200 times the area of arable and pasture land as vegetable food and 150 times the amount of water. This produces nine times more emissions per kilogram of meat. The deforestation of the rainforest for pasture and forage cultivation is only one of the global problems. With only one veggie day per week, you are not only doing something for yourself, but also helping to preserve the earth.
The animals
95% of beef, chickens and pigs eaten in Australia are factory farmed. The over consumption of animals has led to the industrialisation of animal production in factory farms. The demand for more and ever-cheaper meat, milk and eggs has created an animal welfare disaster of catastrophic proportions. Therefore, those who want to be careful and respectful of their environment reduce their consumption of animal products or switch entirely to plant-based products. Anyone who does not manage to make the jump 100% should definitely purchase their animal products with the “certified organic” label.
Against world hunger
Plants grown as animal feed are considered staple foods in many countries. Due to the high animal feed prices, however, it is no longer possible for locals to pay for basic food. In addition, most of the forage is grown in monocultures, which destroys the soil in the long term. With a plant-based diet instead of an animal one, 10 times the amount of calories and proteins could be provided for a healthy diet.
Not that expensive at all
If you compare the nutrient intake of the same amount of cooked lentils, beans or spinach with that of meat, the results are astounding. With the same quality of organic ingredients, the nutrient density (mg/100Kcal) in plant-based staple foods is significantly higher.
Pamper your taste buds
By switching to a plant-based diet, your sense of taste will be refined. Many people discover the vegan way of life for reasons of taste. Experiment with simple to unusual spices and let your enjoyment run free. Try different recipes and taste the variety.
To try something new
The vegan way of life brings new experiences in terms of already known or even different foods. Fantastic sensations can be prepared in no time from lentils, beet and potatoes. The opportunity to take time again for your meal and to prepare it yourself makes many hearts beat faster.
Establish contacts
Vegan connects! Vegans often share a similar worldview and therefore easily connect with each other. The change in diet provides an opportunity to make new contacts.
Vegan made easy
Whether on the organic market shelf, in the supermarket or in the pharmacy, the counters lure with vegan labels. Now you can even get vegan food at the petrol station. Try the plant-based lifestyle for a week and you will quickly see that we imagine it to be much more difficult than it actually is.
Celebrities set an example for us
Role models can now be found among the popular starlets and athletes en masse. Alec Baldwin, Bill Clinton, Brendan Brazier, Mike Tyson, Chris Hemworth, Brad Pitt and many more. These people show how easy vegan can be and call for people to follow the hip lifestyle for a more sustainable world.
Awareness and sustainability are more than “buzz” terms these days. They are for many people their new way of life!
Simply “veg out” on the journey Simply “veg out” on the journey Simply “veg out” on the journey Simply “veg out” on the journey Simply “veg out” on the journey Simply “veg out” on the journey Simply “veg out” on the journey