A Plant-Based Lifestyle Written by Connie Rogers Health & Brain Health Coach First Stage Of Change – The Balancing Act The human body balances itself with the signature of foods. Carrots have a signature of our eyes; tomatoes have a signature of our heart; broccoli has a signature of our lungs; avocados have a signature of a woman’s womb, and…

Written by Michael Dermansky With growing concerns about both health and the impact on the environment, more people are concerned or are thinking about moving to a more plant-based diet, but is it better for your health? Why is plant-based food actually important for your diet? Plant-based food is your body’s main source of carbohydrate, your brain’s preferred source of…

Stop Sickness In Its Tracks With Nature’s Help Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma I’m guessing like the rest of us you don’t want to spend winter being tied up in bed sick, right? I hear you! You’re busy. We’re all guilty of ignoring what’s important for our health and well-being in order to complete that little bit of extra work…

Written by Chantelle Otten, Lovehoney Ambassador & Psycho-Sexologist There are a wide range of activities that fall under the sexual umbrella, and diversity in the space of sex and wellness is an important part of keeping your relationship refreshed and keeping that ‘spark’ we hear so much about, alive. While vanilla sex certainly has a time and place, changing things…

Enrich Your Life Diversify Your Thinking Written by Tania Burgess – Wellbeing coach, counsellor & mindfulness facilitator Most people know the benefits of living with diversity in our community; the richness that comes with experiencing different foods, philosophies, and ways of interpreting the world and what it means to us. When our community is limited to the same people, the…

Diversity In Your Exercise Program Written by Michael Dermansky – Senior Physiotherapist – MD Health If you’re a runner, it’s easy to do the same thing every time for your exercise program, go for a run. If you like doing Pilates classes, it’s easy to do the same class on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 pm and feel that you…

How To Find The Right Balance The Boss At Work The Mum At Home Written by Donna Cameron I am extremely grateful to the women before us who took on the battle for our rights as women – the right to vote, to work, and to be independent and free. Did they know, however, that with this newfound freedom and…

In Your Body Restore Electrical Integrity Written by Connie Rogers Coach bitesizepieces.net “What happens in one minute, at both the macro level (the Universe) and the micro level (within the human body)? In one minute, the Earth, weighing about 1000 trillion metric tons, travels about 1775 km/min in its orbit around the Sun.” “In this one minute, the average human…

Thinking Outside The Processed-Foods-Box Written by Adriana Krueger No chopping, no cooking, hardly any washing up and a hot meal in no time. Processed foods are wonderfully practical. But are they healthy? Salad from the bag, vegetable soup to mix, the complete meal in the aluminium bowl – the range of ready-to-eat products is huge. Where there is a lack…

Written by Pennie McCoy, CSIRO Total Wellbeing Dietitian Do you sometimes feel you need to be in some kind of unicorn mindset to begin losing weight? That is, committed to change, healthy in mind and body, and set up for success. The reality? Kids drop off, work deadlines, decreased exercise, increased trips to the fridge and more. The truth is…

About Exercise The 4 Keys To Changing Your Mindset Written by Michael Dermansky – Senior Physiotherapist – MD Health At the start of each spring (when the sun starts to come out) or at the beginning of the year, it’s easy to make the decision that this is the time “I’m going to get fit” or “I’m going to lose…

How To Improve Your Sex Life Written by Lovehoney Ambassador and Psycho Sexologist, Chantelle Otten When it comes to sex advice, there are many tips and tricks available for better sex – from trying new positions or a sex game, getting more exercise practising mindful meditation and eating ginger. After all, why just have good sex when you can have…

Work-life Balance 7 Steps Towards A Healthier Lifestyle Written by Daniel Gospodinov In this day and age, we seem to obsess with productivity and proving ourselves through our jobs. This means lots of hard work and putting in the extra hours. However, more and more people are discovering there’s a steep price to pay for that. Poor work-life balance takes…

Letting Emotions Out For Your Health Written by Donna Cameron The word “Emotions” is a very complicated and often scary word for many. Conversations about mental health and emotions are occurring but what messages are being heard and who really understands them? What changes are you making in your life for your own mental health and emotional regulation and why…

Beyond Your Triggers & Blind Spots Written by Tania Burgess Life can be challenging, and when you get triggered, your defensive mechanisms kick in, which can lead to conflict and tension. It’s in our DNA to evolve and that includes developing our emotional intelligence, EQ, but it’s easy to get stuck in the habituated tendencies of our personality, reacting when…

Written by CRogers bitesizepieces.net We know catastrophic events, emotional trauma, toxins, Big Corporations, stress, obesity, and autoimmunity, can create negative changes in the balance of the human body. These global imbalances can interfere with our health, family life, and decision-making skills. Most times, we find harmful habits hard to break unless faced with a severe illness, and even then, we…

The Most Important Steps From A Health Professional Tips & Tricks For A Fitter Life Written by Michael Dermansky – Senior Physiotherapist – MD Health Our lives are complicated. We all have our own pressures, demands, circumstances and stages of our lives, particularly in times of uncertainty that can make “life” overwhelming. But, from a health professional’s perspective, there are…

Keeping Passion Alive While Trying For A Baby Written by Dr Raewyn Teirney Passion is something we all need, whether it’s giving or receiving. This is never more true than when you’re trying to conceive a baby. In a perfect world, we would all fall pregnant within a month or two of trying. Unfortunately, for many couples, this isn’t a…

Know Your Motivation Type What Fires You Up To Achieve Written by Tania Burgess Whilst some people are naturally wired with a competitive drive to achieve, not all of us will be motivated to reach that goal, beat that time or excel beyond our previous or another’s best. Discovering what motivates you may be easier than you realise, thanks to…

The Right Exercise To Ignite Your Passion Written by Michael Dermansky – Senior Physiotherapist – MD Health No matter what your passion is, creating a great piece of art, trekking the Himalayas’ or sailing around the world, a great starting point is getting your body ready. There are easy and practical steps involved in getting your body ready for tasks…

Age Is Just A Number How To Live Your Best Life At Every Age Written by Donna Cameron Year by year, day by day, minute by minute, time keeps rolling on. We can easily get caught up in “groundhog day” – working in the same job, spending time with the same people, eating at the same restaurants. Life can be…

Kicking Multiple Chemical Sensitivities In The Butt! Written by Connie Rogers Health Coach Health & Brain Health Coach As a health coach for 19 years and skin health expert for 45 years, my passion is all about getting the toxins out of our homes, workplace, diet, skincare, and gut. What I have found to be true is what we use on…

Written by Dr Raewyn Teirney. Improve your fertility naturally, with these simple lifestyle tweaks, which may help you conceive a baby without medical intervention! In fact, being in a state of optimal health plays an important role in increasing fertility and boosting your chance of natural conception. Improve Your Fertility With Folic Acid According to WHO guidelines and RANZCOG (Royal…

Healthy Skin Through Proper Nutrition Eat Yourself Beautiful Written by Adriana Krueger Diet is an important factor when it comes to beauty. There is no cure for the genetic predisposition for early greying or too thin hair, or very light or sensitive skin. But you can outsmart the genes (which are only responsible for 20 per cent of later wrinkle…