Author page: Kevin Kapusi Starow

kids creating pumpkin heads

Fit Families With A Hectic Lifestyle

Facts are, when we have a family we’ve got to shop and cook in order to eat well and be well. Although these chores are admittedly not as easy as zipping through the drive through and unwrapping a hamburger, doing these things don’t have to make us crazy. And, just like exercise it can easily become part of a routine…

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plate of salmon and salad

5 Fab Foods to boost fertility

Written by Dr. Joseph Scroi Both his and hers… fertility all around! Can you boost your chance of getting pregnant through what you eat… let’s find out. Mixing your diet up and keeping it healthy really does go without saying. We know that diets that are high in whole grains, fruits & vegetables, as well as seafood and poultry are…

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woman stretching legs in park

The Power of the Mind

& 5 Ways to Harness It Written by Camille Lucy Everything begins as energy, then manifests or solidifies into form. (The Power) Would you believe that your thoughts can actually change your DNA? The brain is remarkable and your thoughts are extremely powerful. By harnessing your thoughts, you can access your subconscious mind and actually change your DNA. What’s more, negative thoughts…

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woman sitting in meditation pose outside

Unload the Mental Load

Written by Nikki Cox Women are naturally multi-taskers, and this innate skill ramps up significantly after you become a mother. Constantly trying to remember things you need to do, people you need to call, appointments you need to book, decisions you need to make… just to feel like you are in control of your life and are always ahead. As…

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man with bionic arm

Artificial Intelligence In Our Homes

Written by Vaibhav Shah If you are a fan of science fic movies just like me, I guess Artificial Intelligence is something that would pique your fascination. Take the example of JARVIS from Marvel’s franchise Ironman. The smart AI system who manages everything for the protagonist – Tony Stark. From assisting him when he’s out to save the world to…

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children in class in african village

6 Ideas For A Volunteer Holiday

6 Ideas For A Volunteer Holiday Written by Tracey Bell “Voluntourism” is fast becoming the trend for both young and old travelers who want to experience the culture of their destination in depth and spend more time engaging with local people.  It has also been a source of controversial reports regarding the impact on communities and the potential for exploitation…

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chocolate and coconut pudding in glass with silver spoons

Chocolate Coconut Pudding

With Caramelized Coconut Brittle Written by Renata Trebing A decadent Chocolate Coconut Pudding that can be dressed up with your favourite toppings and a piece of the scrumptious Caramelized Coconut Brittle. Many of us are chocolate tragics, and can not do without a dose on a daily basis. For us, this Chocolate Coconut Pudding is the perfect fix. The pairing…

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man on back supporting woman in air

The Delicate Art of Balance in a Busy World

5 Ways to Stay Grounded, Healthy & Whole Written by Camille Lucy According to the Yoga Journal, “in physics, the three essential elements of balance are alignment, strength, and attention. Alignment of the body with gravity is crucial; it makes balance physically possible. Strength gives us the power to create, hold, and adjust alignment. And attention continually monitors alignment so we…

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banana salad on white platter

Summer Banana Fruit Salad

Provided by Bananas Australia Summer Banana Fruit Salad is something special, it is a celebration of life, and the abundance of what the garden has to offer. Below the recipe, there are some suggestions for alternate fruit for different seasons. Make sure you only use produce in season, as it will be at its peak, plus you will be aiding…

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dancers in black in poses

How To Increase Happy & Decrease Brain Fog

Written by Connie Rogers Young or old, if obesity is on the rise so is brain fog. Why is this important? Obesity is instrumental in brain atrophy. This means, a poor dietary lifestyle and exposure to chemicals have been found to deplete our mental reserves, serotonin levels and become causal in misfiring electrical signals. In today’s world, mending memory can…

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mother and daughter laughing whilst cleaning the floor

How to Get Kids to Help Around the House More

Written by Jane Wilson. Making kids clean may seem like the hardest job, ever topped only by breastfeeding. It is, indeed, at least most times. It all comes down to your child’s character, your own persistence and lots of patience. It gets easier with time but teaching children this useful habit is not an overnight process. It takes years of…

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necterine and beetroot ssalad on white plate

Grilled Nectarine Salad

Grilled Nectarine Salad This is a special dish sure to be appreciated by the majority, it has a variety of flavours. Utilising the freshness, offered by the summer garden. This is a complete salad with asparagus, beetroot, tomato, and sweet almonds. The versatility of this dish is evident, with such a flavour punch it is sure to be a winner,…

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parents with baby and yellow flower

The Illusive Work-Life Balance

Written by: Nikki Cox Whether you have returned to work already, or are planning on it, going back to work after full time parenting can be daunting; even when you have a career you love. You will likely feel a huge mix of emotions; the excitement of working and spending time with adults again, the anxiety about your child’s care…

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Charred Tomatillo and Avocado Salsa on Eggs hero on white plate

Charred Tomatillo & Avocado Salsa

Tomatillo & Avocado Salsa Written by Renata Trebing Tomatillo is a unique ingredient more common throughout South America, and a little difficult to obtain here. Though you will be rewarded should you take the time to source this little ingredient and share in its amazing flavour. Tomatillo and Avocado Salsa is a perfect accompaniment for eggs, meats chicken or even…

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social media adverts on wooden table

15 Apps You Need For A Work-Life Balance

15 Apps You Need For A Work-Life Balance Written by Victoria Radford We live in a wonderful world where parents are constantly told, “You can do it all”. When it comes to achieving work/life balance, however, without the right tools it can sometimes feel like we are pushing a shopping trolley up a hill. I recently went back to work…

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Eggs_en_Cocotte on wooden table

Breakfast Gratin Egg Cups

Breakfast Gratin Egg Cups Written by Teninia Holder These Breakfast Gratin Egg Cups, are too easy. You can actually pre-make the whole thing then just re-heat on demand. But for best results, I suggest leaving the grilling of the parmey at the end, until you are ready to serve. So pre-do the rest. Then go from there. Fresh, fragrant, yummy,…

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woman working on laptop

Finding Balance Between Work & Family

Written By Vaibhav Shah Finding that perfect equilibrium between the work and family is what most of the millennials strive for. And living in this productivity-driven and highly competitive society where the cacophony of terms like “deadlines”, “workload”, “sales-targets” and “overtime” often resonates, it gets even more elusive to achieve that balance. Let’s be honest, we all try to juggle…

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Red Kidney Bean Hummus in blue and white bowl

Red Kidney Bean Hummus

Dips – Red Kidney Bean Hummus Recipe by Tenina Holder Dips are perfect when entertaining guests, as well as being a healthy filler between meals for the kids. Dips are cost-effective and can be part of a well-balanced diet. This recipe for Red Kidney Bean Hummus is a variation of the more traditional Middle eastern Hummus recipe, popular worldwide. Dips…

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