Not a drop of snow, mistletoe or reindeer to be seen, yet it is filled with all the cheer and spirit you expect from a festive season flick.

Not a drop of snow, mistletoe or reindeer to be seen, yet it is filled with all the cheer and spirit you expect from a festive season flick.
Written by Sally Kellett, professional meditation teacher “You are so lucky you have found your passion, I still don’t know what mine is” This is one of the most common things people say to me as they see me passionately pursuing a life in practising and teaching mindfulness. The next line I then get asked is…. “How do I find…
Written by Claire Dunkley from Cluzie Clinic I run a holistic health clinic and academy to train other health practitioners. A lot of how I run my business is based on different experiences I have personally had that have tainted or influenced my decision on what experience I want my clients to feel. Below I have shared two experiences with…
3 Tips For leadership Post An Emergency Written by Natasha Zervaas N.P. The people from the State of Victoria have spent more time under unprecedented lockdown rules than they have had ‘free’ time, particularly in the Melbourne Metropolitan areas. The face of business, our physical, mental and spiritual health have been forever changed through the experiences of this year. Family…
Written by Connie Rogers is a Certified Coach & Published Author. My passion as a certified brain health coach has been to teach people how to love their brain. The brain is the most important organ in our body. Our brain controls every thought and action we have. This includes sleep, digestion, memories, speech, movement, and more. But most importantly,…
Written by Phillipa Brown When you think of who your leaders are in your community, who comes to mind? Is it your local or federal politician, a religious leader, an executive or CEO of the company you work for, or do you think about a parent, friend or neighbour? There is no wrong answer here. All of these people are…
How Volunteering May Help Written by Dr Melissa Keogh, Clinical Psychologist, B.A. (Hons), D.Psych (Clinical) The Australian Loneliness Report conducted in 2018 revealed that 1 in 4 Australians experience problematic levels of loneliness. Which begs the question – what exactly is loneliness? Loneliness Loneliness can be defined as a subjective feeling of social isolation and distress whereby one’s personal need…
Written by Brady Walker According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community.” The issue of mental health is not new; far from…
Written by Ana Jones A new take on the classic Dr. Seuss story of grinch. A Shoe Addict’s Christmas follows Noelle (Candice Cameron Brue), a happy-ish department store HR employee who loves Christmas (and shoes!) but lost the Christmas spirit when is dumped by her boyfriend the eve of Christmas three years prior. As Christmas approaches, she is asked to…
Written by Adriana Kreuger Written by Organic products are becoming more and more popular these days, because more and more people are consciously paying attention to their diet. Organic food comes from ecologically controlled cultivation. They must neither contain genetically modified organisms nor have they been treated with synthetic pesticides or artificial fertilizers (i.e. chemical-synthetic nitrogen compounds). They also contain…
Written by Kristina Duke When I think of community, I think of my neighbourhood or my suburb, and the thought of being a leader of change for the betterment of others can seem overwhelming. So, like all challenges I face I like to take it a step at a time and break it down into smaller goals. So, let us…
Written by Donna Cameron Do you remember being young and looking up to people who inspired you? They could have been actors, authors, or business people. It really didn’t matter who they were but they were doing something that you admired, something that caught your attention and something that you wanted to do when you grew up. These people were…
Written by Suzana Talevski The warmer months are a great time for outdoor adventures with your pet and making memories in the great outdoors are priceless moments to treasure for ever. Many people would be aware of the dangers snakes pose to curious canines but there is a smaller creature that has the potential to do almost as much harm to…
Tips To Creating An Energy Efficient House Written by Ahmad Fraij Building a new house is a major investment for most of us and therefore, you need to make it right from the design stage until the builder hand it over to you. On contrary to buying a house that is already built, in which you have to deal with…
Written by Stephen Molloy Leadership is the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of people involved. In this ever so changing world that we live, the importance to create value for others is stronger than ever. Some may assume that leadership qualities are only found in military or management roles within the workplace, however leaders are found in your…
Independent Versus Group Tours Written by Tracy Bell Quietly considering myself a “seasoned traveller”, in June 2010 I packed my backpack and headed off to Africa for the adventure of a lifetime. Family and friends told me I was out of my mind and requested I join a tour. But I had already backpacked the USA, Europe, and worked as…
What can be learnt from 2020 Written by Sophie Richardson It’s been a unique year to say the least. In fact, it’s more accurate to say that it has been an incredibly tough one. It seems we’ve been confronted with challenge after challenge, trudging our way slowly through each obstacle just to get to the other side. This is particularly…
Part 2 Written by Kaylee Slater If you have been following along with our issues all year you would have learned a lot about food allergies already! You will know that the prevalence of food allergies is on the rise worldwide, with the highest incidence found in younger children (Fujimura et al., 2019). If you haven’t already, go have a read…
Written by Sally McGrath Practice Director Health that Heals Leadership and management, is a role that has multiple responsibilities and ultimately the voice for the people represented in the relevant area of business, education or community and charged with the task of receiving and delivering news that is both pleasant and un-pleasant. The leadership in a community environment will tap…
Written by Tabitha Acret Research has confirmed that there is a systemic link between oral care and your overall body health. Your mouth is where dental health and overall health intersect, think of it as the window to wellness, everything is exposed. Bacteria in the mouth can travel through your bloodstream and therefore flow throughout your body. Therefore, by attending an…
Written by Dr Jeffrey M Kestenberg MDSc LDS FRACDS , Dentist I’m a leader every day. That might seem a bit weird to say but as a parent, I’m a role model for my children, for my family and as an employer for my staff. By default, I’m in a similar position with my patients. Subconsciously, I set an example…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow When you mention the ingredient marron many people instantly think of the French marron or chestnut made popular by the marron glace. Though what we are referring to here is such a world away from that. It is a foodstuff found in Western Australia, and is a seafood product. In issue 28 on June 2020,…
Marron avocado and saltbush Marron is a unique species of freshwater crustacean found in the south western parts of Australia, that is highly prized for its taste. Not to be confused with the French word for chestnut! This recipe Marron avocado and saltbush utalises this delicacy and allows it to speak for itself, minus confusing, or interfering tastes. This recipe…
A Tasty Treat To Spoil Yourself – Marron Sausage and Sage Renata Trebing has certainly hit the ball out of the park with this recipe, Marron Sausage and Sage. Something tasty and decadent we can all share in that won’t break the bank to splurge on once in a while. This is a perfect recipe if you love chestnuts, and…
Whilst Improving Your Wellbeing Written By Katie Lowe (BA, GradDipPosPsych) Anyone that has seen the movie ‘Castaway’ knows that we humans thrive on – even depend on connection. We are social beings that have evolved to subsist within supportive, nurturing communities. We love to feel like we belong, and research actually shows that the biggest single factor for predicting health,…
Inspire Life-Long Healthy Eating Written by Sarah Milano There’s no question that ensuring your kids eat a nutritional, well-balanced diet can be tricky. After all, what kid wants to eat carrots, fish and brown rice when they can eat a cheeseburger and fries? Teaching your child to choose apple slices over cookies can be a struggle but important eating habits…
Written by Connie Rogers It’s time to check underlying toxic exposures that create conditions which may be exacerbating how you feel. A toxic lifestyle can increase our risk of Fibromyalgia We are electrical beings. There are many things in our world today that can deplete electricity. Causes of depleted electricity can be linked to Prozac, Fluoride, and medications containing fluoride such…
Written by Sarah Milano Holiday traditions are part of what makes a holiday important to us. Going to an Easter service, eating a special meal and spending time with your family may be the basis of your yearly celebrations, but there is always room to create new Easter traditions. In this day and age, it is as important as ever…
Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma There’s no doubt that sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes far beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on…
Today Written by Eryn Ford, founder and trainer at Mummy Physiques Do you listen to what your body tells you? Do you nourish your body with all the right things? We are only given one; why do so many of us not cherish it and treat it with the respect it deserves. I hear too many excuses from friends, family…
Written by Connie Rogers You can’t beat yourself into a happy relationship with your body, you can’t be angry every day and love yourself.… and you can’t think your way out of addiction or depression. If you have a hard time loving yourself, this is for you. 1- As children, we learn to emulate our parents. If our parents suffer…
Written by Connie Rogers According to the American Heart Association, “One in three children and teens in the U.S. are either overweight or obese.” (1) Artificial sweeteners have been shown to increase weight gain, headaches, depression, PLUS, increase the risk for diabetes, cancers, and seizures. (2) They are also found to be harmful to cognition. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon,…
A Spectacular Tart Gateau Basque Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow I am not a huge cake person, though when I had the opportunity to sample this little gem, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and there was a moment that was experienced, with Gateau Basque. This delight incorporates a simple crust, which by the way is foolproof…
For A Better Tomorrow Written by Lucy Cook Taking care of yourself by eating a wholesome, nutritious diet and exercising regularly has countless benefits. It can help improve your immune system, reduce the amount of times you fall ill, improve your sleep, give you more energy, enhance your memory, reduce your stress levels and aid in weight maintenance. However, in…
Now you are armed for those Special Occasions Stained Ora Salmon Written by Michael Cole The recipe here for Stained Ora Salmon, was designed by one of Australia’s leading chefs and co owner of Moke Dining in Flinders Victoria., Michael Cole. In 2019 Michael was Australia’s representative for the prestigious Bocuse d’Or competition. Qualifying for the final at food Asia…
Written by Connie Rogers This is a wholesome recipe that is plant-based though suitable for everyone. Eggplant Bowl combines mushrooms, avocado, and a special, and yummy pesto sauce. Unfortunately, there are people who are hostile towards plant-based meals, but in reality, our bodies need plants to function at optimum performance. The vitamins, fibre, and minerals in plants are essential for…
but I hate coming here! Written by Dr Jeffrey M Kestenberg MDSc LDS FRACDS , Dentist (Some readers may find this article confronting) How many times have I heard these words? Several times a week I meet patients with obvious dental anxiety. Most people have some degree of apprehension about visiting the dentist or the doctor but extreme dental fear…
Exploring the Koshas Written by Casey Castro Kosha means “sheath” in Sanskrit. In yoga, the term is used to describe metaphorical layers within the human body. This meaning comes from the ancient Hindu texts called the Upanishads. When there is optimal health and well-being the layers are seamlessly blended and cannot be clearly defined. However, when these are out of…
Of Mental Health Written by Sally McGrath Never before has mental health been such an important and relevant subject and condition that requires support and attention. Once the hidden away, socially ignored, “crazy, so stay away mindset” and now the subject of mental health is well and truly open for discussion on social media platforms, homes, therapist practices, offices and…
in the management of food allergies? Part 1 Written by Kaylee Slater | Accredited Practicing Dietitian at Grow Nutrition | Perinatal Dietitian | PhD Candidate The prevalence of food allergies is on the rise worldwide, with the highest incidence found in younger children. Many more children today have allergies than they did decades ago, in fact, the current statistics suggest that around 1 in 10 children have a food…
Chimmichurri is a staple in homes throughout South America, each one of which adds has its own special touch to the recipe. The accompaniment is used predominantly for BBQ meat dishes in particular Asado, though in reality can be served with just about anything. Kale and Horseradish Chimichurri is a variation of this basic recipe which although not traditional, punches…
Written by Natasha Zervaas N.P. We live in a very fast paced world, we are working harder and longer hours than ever before, yet we are extremely time poor, and consequently, our physical and mental health is suffering. Stress related illnesses are almost at epidemic proportions in the western world today so somewhere along the way our lives are out…
To have an Explosion in Mental Health Issues? Written by Claire Dunkley from Cluzie Clinic What has 2020 brought us? For most people 2020 is a year they’d rather forget… or at the least, rewind and reset and start again. With a global pandemic dominating the landscape, people have been exposed to mass fear in relation to getting a virus…
How integrating your multiple intelligences can help you find peace Written by Carolyn King from Empowered Happiness Our mental health affects everything we do. From going out and meeting friends, to our performance at work, our family relationships, and our ability to really relax. Never ending mental chatter and self-criticism, interrupts the serenity and peace we so desire when wishing…
Written by Nikki Cox When you become a parent, something fundamental shifts inside of you. Every fibre of your being is devoted to learning how to parent, and how to do it to the best of your ability with each challenge that comes along. You give up large parts of yourself to nurture and care for your children; mentally, emotionally,…
How to seek help in difficult times Written by Laura Gomez COVID 19 has shone a new light on mental health, encouraging us all to think more creatively and adapt to access support differently. Yet for some people, stigma and shame can still be powerful barriers that block the path to seeking early help. Most of us will struggle at some point with an aspect of…
Of Mental Health Written By Phillipa A. Brown When talking about mental illness, it typically refers to a condition that can significantly affect how a person thinks, feels, behaves and interacts with others. It might be helpful to think about mental health on a spectrum, where on one end of the spectrum, someone is considered to be mentally healthy and…
Modelling values to our children Written by Donna Cameron In this technological era, children are able to learn much more about their favourite topics than we ever could at their age. They are reading at an earlier age, perhaps can speak different languages, and can easily search the internet for any information they want. Moreover, children are very independent. They…
Written by Dr Melissa Keogh, Clinical Psychologist Oftentimes, parents of children who are displaying symptoms of anxiety are unsure as to how to help their child. It can indeed be difficult to know the right course of action to take or the right words to say when a young person is constantly seeking reassurance and excessively worried. So, what…
The mental and physical implications of overtraining and exercise addiction Written by Melani De Sousa Exercising too much, or overtraining, might seem like a foreign concept to the average person, but more and more studies are revealing the increasing prevalence of disordered eating, weight obsession and overtraining not only in adults, but in children as young as 11 years old[1].…
For stillness and simply being present Written by Brady Walker, Performance, Wellness and Breath Coach In its very makeup, nothing in nature or life remains still, and yet our worlds collectively, for a brief unprecedented moment, were as still as they have ever been. In contrast to a life that most would profess has felt at times stuck in fast…
About Your Mental Health Written by Tabitha Acret, Dental Hygienist at AIRFLOW Dental Spa As we enter our seventh month of living amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, here in Australia, one of the key points of discussion is how Australians may be suffering from greater levels of stress which are attributing to an increase in anxiety and depression. Mental health alone is estimated…
– an intertwined connection! Written by Adriana Krueger Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach or a “gut feeling” about something? We were always taught to think this may just be a human function, but numerous studies have found links between the gut and the brain. In fact, the gut affects more than you probably think. Let’s take a…
Written by Sally Kellett from Mirosuna With the Marie Kondo method of de-cluttering sweeping the world since its launch six years ago, and Australia slowly moving out of isolation, could now be the perfect time to apply the Marie Kondo method to our friends? One thing that I’ve realised during the past year of living with Covid restrictions and…
Written by Ana Jones (Dolittle) Robert Downey Jr is as charismatic as ever and he has turned a tired classic into a modern day must see for children (and watchable for adults)! For those not too familiar with the original 1920’s Hugh Lofting books, Doctor Dolittle follows a medical doctor who can talk to animals and starts up a vet…
What could be the mental health benefits of owning a companion pet? Written by Chris Bark We all love to laugh, and our pets are often a fantastic source of amusement. Who doesn’t love to watch puppy videos online? Owning a pet is for many heartwarming and a delight. Many benefits of pet ownership extended beyond just entertainment (and taking…
Written by Suzana Talevski Have you ever gone through a rough patch in your life or just had an off day and realised on reflection how much of a positive role your pet played in helping you feel better? A range of research shows that contact with animals can improve our well-being and state of mental health. Many studies have found…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow For me, horseradish has been an important part of my life, in that my background is European and this simple little ingredient is very popular in many European cuisines, especially from where my family derives from. My childhood is filled with memories of many meals accompanied by either the traditional white or red horseradish condiment,…
Written by Tracey Bell Holidays are fast approaching and you are met with a blank canvas – you could go anywhere! You are spoiled for choice but inundated with information. By the time you have sorted through the information and made a decision, is there even any time left to actually go for the holiday? That’s without considering the time needed…
Empower your personal brand and business with media exposure Written by Sophie Richardson There are a number of practices that define your personal brand: how you communicate on social media; the way you interact with customers and employees; the story behind your business to name a few. But perhaps my favourite, and one of the most powerful practices to empower…
Written by Kathy Fray I don’t believe most of the risk factors individually would tip so many women over the edge. But add them up: the low status we assign to mothering; the high value Western cultures place on a girlish figure; the isolation of today’s nuclear family; the workplace pressure that sends husbands away from home when their partners…
To Your Core Values Written by Peter Horsfield If you are willing to own it, you can change it! I know what I have to do, I also know that there’s no getting around it, however, procrastination is how I like to start my day. I’m still trying to understand why I find such reassurance and motivation by having this…
Written by Connie Rogers Studies have shown an increase in the incidence of prostate cancer in young males 30 to 35 years old. “Dr. Milton Krisiloff, M.D. has found that in the majority of cases, men can significantly reduce their risk for urinary and prostate problems by making dietary changes which include eliminating all highly caffeinated products.” Unfortunately, prostate cancer…
We have included this recipe for vegan mayonnaise, Soy Milk Mayonnaise because many readers have asked for one. As you will see the recipe is very simple to make, and extremely inexpensive, and the best part is its neutrality. Meaning you can add any flavour to this base to augment it to your preference. With only three ingredients there is…
Easy and tasty snack idea, great for summer time to bring an alfresco feel to your dining.
Written by Julia Lette Getting kids to the table and actually eating their food can be a real struggle. However, as developing a healthy attitude towards food starts from a very early age, it is essential to instil wholesome eating habits in your children from the get-go. Fortunately, if you make good, honest food fun and appealing to children, they…
My Take on Germs & Children in a Cyber World Written by Lucy Cook , I am a mother of four boys, a business owner who operates 6 long day care and outside school hours care centres, and this is are my thoughts. Your first child barely touches the floor for fear he might catch something, your second child…
Learn about the Parwill and the Vegemite history.
When you are struggling to get the kids settled after school, and you need to have something prepared for dinner. Which needs to be nutritious, quick and simple enough to allow you to complete the rest of your tasks before bed. Wild Mushroom & Pork is a recipes which is super simple, tasty, and is always a winner with the…
Here is a take on a classical French recipe Niçoise Salad. It can be served either as a salad or an entree, which I personally feel it is more suited for. Niçoise Salad is almost the perfect meal, it contains starch, vegetables, the crispness of the green beans. The freshness of tomato, then the umami taste of the fresh tuna,…
Written by Donna Sparx As the weeks get colder and noses get drippier, it’s time to pull out whatever superpowers we can muster to fight the Winter Bugs. Dodging germs can often seem like navigating a multi-layered quest in a computer game. The enemies are the Bugs and we have a secret weapon. It is sparkly, circular, spiniferous and most…
We all learn growing up that drinking orange juice is important to stay healthy because it is packed with vitamin C but most
To add value to your business Written by Sophie Richardson You’ve probably heard the term ‘personal brand’ a lot. It’s also likely first interpretations of it hold some association to social media influencers, or being ‘Instagram famous’. While true, the power of a personal brand extends beyond these singular vocations and should be implemented into every business’s marketing strategy. Think…
Beyond Parenthood Written by Nikki Cox The key to knowing whether you truly value yourself as a human being is by looking at the way you act toward yourself. When we have self-value, we see ourselves as being worthy of love and respect, and we consistently treat ourselves accordingly. More often than not, however, mothers tend to view acts of…
Written by Carolyn King from Empowered Happiness Relaxation can be difficult when there are constant stresses bombarding us from different directions. The current climate, with COVID19 means most of us are on constant alert, listening to news reports to hear the latest figures and quarantine rules local governments have put in place. This constant stress creeps into our lives affecting…
Signs to look for in the lead up to winter, and what to do.
The 4 most important things to consider prior to adopting a dog.
Creating a fun environment in which to learn mathematics.
What is it for you that is truly valuable. We look into this in depth in this article.
Winter Wellness Written by Aida Rejzovic We all know winter as the cold and flu season, but why do we get sick more often during the colder months? There are several reasons we tend to get sick more often during winter, including less vitamin D from sunshine, seasonal changes in our genes that affect our immune response and an increase…
Written by Connie Rogers One of the greatest fears of the aging population is forgetfulness, brain fog, and losing our mind. Toxic exposures from indoor and outdoor pollution can leave us with long term adverse health effects by targeting our central nervous system, endocrine system, and digestive system creating inflammation in both mind and body. Inhaling and absorbing pollution from…
Written by Claire Dunkley from Cluzie Clinic What is your most valuable asset? When answering this question, many people will list their house or their investment properties or perhaps even their family. Let’s hit the big fat PAUSE button for a moment and really think about the answer to that question. I suggest that if you really consider that answer,…
Written by Jay Anderson Well, where has the year gone?? It’s been a tricky few months. Lots of changes. Too much in the news. What’s happening here? Or there? Who really do you believe?? The tv, the newspaper? The internet? Or Facebook? Your friends?? what is the latest? What are you allowed to do, or not do….?? more changes. Things…
The value of their physical health Written by Claire Richardson Osteopaths are allied health practitioners with a focus on physical health. This positions us well to understand the relationship between physical activity and overall health. Fostering a love of physical activity and teaching young people the value of physical health is a significantly worthwhile pursuit, as it has flow-on effects…
Written by Kathy Fray Pot plants have pretty straight forward nutritional needs – feeding, watering and sunlight – but personally I have sometimes become frustratingly adept at killing pot-plants. The bad news is that babies and toddlers are obviously way more complicated than pot-plants! The good news is that babies and toddlers can also be way less complicated than pot-plants … so long as you’ve got…
Written by Sally McGrath Influential Health Values for Children Children and values; what comes to mind when you think of values and teaching your children? It is a subject that is surrounded in opinion and debate, whilst most parents suggest that values are learned by example and the responsibility of the parent, others challenge this and suggest that some parents…
Kick start your families wellness with these easy 10 steps.
Learn all about Chickpea Flour, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Written by Melani De Sousa Prior to COVID-19, over two thirds of Australian children were reported to participate in organised physical activity outside of school hours at least once per week, with 25% participating at least three times per week for an average of 1 hour per session.[1] With month-long periods of global lockdown and the cancellation of most sporting…
Written by Sally Kellett One thing we all have in common is that we are increasingly becoming more and more busy with less and less time. We only have so many hours in a day, but seem to spend them all working and doing things for others. When I mention mindfulness to people, a common response is ‘Oh, I don’t…
Written By Casey Castro In the modern world we live in with technology so readily available, it can be hard to hold our childrens attention for very long. Especially with games being so bright and colourful and technology being so easy to use in their little hands. Children (and adults) of all ages love the pull of a device. They…
Flatbread Revolution – Chickpea Flatbread Written by Renata Trebing Since time immemorial the humble flatbread has been a staple food source for cultures across the globe from Africa to the Americas. Always made with simple ingredients that could be prepared and cooked easily, and many of the combinations were delicious just like Chickpea Flatbread. With the evolution of man came…
Cooking up a storm with Farinata Farinata is a recipe revered in Italy and many Mediterranean countries, both now and for many thousands of years, it has been a favourite of mine. Since discovering this recipe, I have refined it a little to suit my lifestyle and kitchen. This is such an easy recipe to make, you cannot help but…
How to get help in the garden from other members of the household.
Maintaining muscular flexibility and joint range of motion Written by Dr Jason Stone Muscular flexibility and joint range of motion are often taken for granted, and rarely come up as a key focus in fitness and training regimes. Yet in my opinion, a neglecting these two bodily functions can be a major precursor to injury, and a limiting factor to…
In Our Children Part 1 Written by Kaylee Slater The prevalence of food allergies is on the rise worldwide, with the highest incidence found in younger children. Many more children today have allergies than they did decades ago, in fact the current statistics suggest that around 1 in 10 children have a food allergy, and this prevalence is growing by…
Written by Grace Conyers We all want to get more done in a day. We also want to be able to be spontaneous when opportunities come up. As an entrepreneur, I get that. As a mother, I feel that. As an adult ADHD juggler, I see your struggles – and smile because I’m there too. One way that is touted…
Written by Peter Horsfield We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us Or put another way; Our success is dependent on our decision to choose the activities that will propel us towards our goals compared to those that will hinder us. When I first began savings I set myself a challenge to have a money free…
Restore and realign with your inner self Written by Carolyn King In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to find tools that can help us relax. Stress is everywhere, and most of us experience some sort of stress daily. While a little stress can be productive. prolonged stress can have quite a detrimental affect on our emotional, mental and…
Written by Nikki Cox Being a parent is a complex, overwhelming and sometimes stressful experience that requires a lot of constant juggling of different priorities in life. This juggling act can often leave you feeling inadequate, out of control, depleted and defeated. But when you achieve a sense of balance as a parent, this allows you to feel happy and…
Considering the long term when choosing to get a pet.
Knowing the warning sign and how to fight against obesity in pets.
Written by Jessa Lewis It’s so easy to believe that you HAVE to do business a certain way, that it has to look like this or that and specifically like everybody else’s – especially when you’re first starting out. The truth is, it can look any way you want it to. You don’t need to work 9-5, a certain number…
Simple ways to reduce energy costs, during trying times.
What is the understanding regarding puppies in a household with allergies?
Top 5 Tips for Going Backpacking Solo Written by Tracey Bell Travelling solo can be one of life’s most eye-opening, mind-expanding, joyful experiences. This article will give you some suggestions to overcome the trepidation you may experience, especially as a woman, when deciding to venture forth on your own. The best advice: Go for it! 5 Ways To Set Yourself…
Written by Kathy Fray It is physiologically normal during pregnancy to naturally be immunocompromised (it is part of how your body doesn’t reject growing your baby). But add into that fact, knowing that local Hospitals (where you may have been planning to give birth) are heaving with COVID-19 patients, and it can feel justifiably unnerving. Add on top of that, the fact…
Written by Connie Rogers The art of nourishing through colors in food is nature’s way of keeping us smiling, healthy, sexy, and satiated. There are healing powers in colors from the oceans to the forest and food is no exception. When we choose colorful foods we increase the information that’s inside these beautiful fruits and veggies. At your next meal…
Written by Connie Rogers As humans, we live, love, laugh and express emotions every day of our life. We experience consciousness through many avenues that allow us to change at any stage of our development. Basically, most of us disdain stagnation and are designed for growth.In college, if we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything we set out…
VEGAN VS PLANT BASED Written by Aida Rejzovic Despite what you may initially think, there are differences in vegan and plant based diets. While both diets exclude animal products, the beliefs and core motivations behind the diets differ. A vegan diet is motivated by animal welfare, excluding from the diet all animal foods including animal by products such as honey.…
Learn all about Chestnuts, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Written by Connie Rogers a Certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach. It has been said that the epidemic of supplementation means people aren’t necessarily making time to consume nutritious foods that provide the body necessary vitamins and minerals. In my search for the truth, I found vitamins can help, but they can also harm. This is because I see so many…
Growing produce that is tasty and healthy for the whole family.
To boost your confidence Written by Nim Veda Mother Nature is amazing. She really is. How else can we explain her ability to pretty much provide us with the solutions to many of the problems we all face? One of these major problems is our debilitating lack of confidence. Though many of us shudder at the thought of accepting and…
The importance of being flexible in teaching dental hygiene.
An inspirational person who has struggled through adversity to become a role model, Alysha Kempf.
Chocolate Heaven Chocolate Chestnut Pudding Written by Renata Trebing Chocolate Chestnut Pudding is a dessert you will quickly come to adore, as it has all the hallmarks of a classic winning sweet. We all, or at least most of us, love that sweet hit after a meal, many I know actually replace their meals on a regular basis with sweets,…
Written by osteopath Claire Richardson Vitamin D is very important. It is crucial in maintaining healthy bones, because it facilitates the absorption of calcium into our bodies. Calcium is a mineral which hardens our bones, so without it, our bones become brittle and weak. Low Vitamin D levels have also been found to be linked to high blood pressure. Whilst…
Collagen… Connecting Beauty To Health Written by Connie Rogers Great skin has a lot to do with our diet. This includes what we eat, the general well-being of our digestive system, and the amount of stress we allow in a day. If metabolism is sluggish, premature ageing isn’t far behind. Some symptoms of Metabolic Disturbances are loss of collagen; increased…
Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma Yep, you read that right. What if I told you that the oldest mother ever wanted to share her secrets with us and all we had to do was listen? You may be a little doubtful, maybe even a little distrustful but I promise, I’m speaking the complete truth and you will be surprised at…
Written by Dr Ryan Harvey of House Call Doctor While we may not even realise it, our immune system is constantly on call. Daily activities such as visiting a public bathroom or shaking a colleague’s hand can expose us to germs. For the most part our immune system does a great job of keeping us healthy, but with winter fast…
Written by Connie Rogers. Persistent oxidative stress is one of the major causes of most lifestyle-related diseases including cancer, inflammatory conditions such as obesity, atherosclerosis, and premature aging. When free radicals (or ROS) accumulates, it leads to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can in turn cause serious damage to all tissues in the body. Some examples of free radicals are environmental…
Written by Hally Rhiannon-Nammu The rate at which technology is advancing often makes us wonder if we can actually keep up or if we will always be that one version behind. However, what if it is a technology that needs to catch up with us? There is an assumption that being across social media platforms, having the latest tablet or…
Written by Jo Ebisujima POWER can be defined in a multitude of different ways. Perhaps it means being able to lift a ton, jump over a mountain or conquer your favourite superhero. To me, POWER means having the ability to thrive in every aspect of your life. Regardless of how you define it, whole fruits and vegetables are storehouses of…
Written by Connie Rogers According to the Department of Respiratory Diseases, asthma is a disorder of the respiratory tract associated with chronic inflammation. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases, with an estimated 300 million cases worldwide. (1) “In the United States alone, more than 25 million people are known to have asthma. About 7 million of these…
Bonding with the kids using the kitchen as the vehicle.
Throughout Winter Written By Julia Lette On the whole, your immune system does a pretty good job of defending you against disease. Sometimes however, especially in the winter months, it fails and you end up sick in bed for days on end. Fortunately there are ways that you can intervene in this process and make your immune system stronger and…
Find more peace and joy in your everyday life while conquering your to-do list Written by: Camille Lucy In today’s modern society, it’s no surprise if your to-do list grows faster than you can check things off. Especially if you have a family. Often times, we feel that we have to do everything ourselves, and this can feel daunting, overwhelming…
For You And Your Baby Written by Nicole Tomazic-Spanger I took prenatal vitamins religiously throughout both my pregnancies. While I knew that I might be deficient in some nutrients, I began my staple during the preconception period specifically to increase folic acid. I was fortunate to birth two healthy children, but in retrospect, I wish that I had taken prenatal…
Written by Connie Rogers No one is immune from fear, stress or worry in their lifetime. However emotions can take hold and affect everyone differently depending on their most important asset, their mind-set. A diet of stressful emotions is no laughing matter. These emotions in our nervous system can become toxic and settle into body organs which in turn could…
Practical ways to get the kids interested in the garden, that really work.
Do you know what to check to see if its quality or just filled with fillers? Written by Jay Kali Everywhere you look there are new supplements and new products telling you the latest and greatest about how their product solves your issues. Even though there are some great supplements out there we also have to be mindful of who…
If you are new in the garden, here are some useful tips to help you get the most out of the experience.
Written by Connie Rogers We always feel vibrantly well after a good nights sleep with heightened energy levels and better moods. This is because sleep is a restorative process. It’s function is to maintain brain immunity and is also a huge part of building gut immunity.(1) The benefits of good sleep habits are increased mental clarity, a healthier weight, better…
Written By Julia Lette It is commonplace to feel like taking time out for ourselves is selfish. We have been taught that we must work hard to deserve health and happiness and we put pressure on ourselves to be perfect, to be patient and nurturing parents, to be devoted and supportive partners, to be dependable and sociable family members and…
Written by Aida Rejzovic, Sassy Organics The key to social media success is to avoid getting lost in the labyrinth of the many different media platforms. Keep it simple, and focus on how you can use one or two platforms most effectively to increase the visibility of your personal business or brand. Before you set up your social media platforms,…
Written by Jessa Lewis How do you know where your genius lies in business (and life) when you show up on social media and beyond? In this day and age with hundreds of social media platforms, website options and more – how can you know where you are going to get the most bang for your buck or, know what…
Written by Tracey Bell The websites and applications recommended in this article can help you plan your travel, from finding low-cost flights to planning your budget, booking excellent accommodation and, most importantly, having fun on the road. SkyScanner Benefit: Allows you to compare flexible dates very easily so you can find the best days to fly. Description: SkyScanner is a…
Managing time in this world of social media madness.
Written by Grace Conyers People use social media to connect with loved ones, people they admire, and search for and share ideas. Unfortunately for science communicators, social media is full of fast paced entertainment. If it’s not entertaining, most people won’t pay attention to it, let alone engage with the posts. If they aren’t engaged, it’s almost guaranteed they won’t…
By Sam Taylor from The Nurture Project Measuring yourself against others can in some ways be helpful. You might feel inspired about someone else’s achievements which then motivates you to improve your own life. The recognition that your abilities are a notch above someone else’s can deliver a boost to your self esteem. But comparisons can be harmful when they…
For improved relationships with your family Written by Carolyn King from Empowered Happiness We all know our time is precious, and even more precious is the time we spend with our family and those closest to us. Relaxing with family is a great way to not only recharge our own batteries but also encourage stronger connections with those we love.…
Written by Nikki Cox Selfies – we’ve all taken them at one time or another; photographs taken of ourselves, typically with a smartphone or webcam, and shared via social media. Selfies are essentially self-constructed, idealised images of the ‘perfect’ way we wish other people to see us in the online world. People take and post selfies for a myriad of…
Chocolate is not the only toxic foodstuff for dogs, learn what else is on the no go list.
Dealing with the death of a pet is hard, though for a child it can be devastating. Tips to help children deal with loss.
Written by James Burnett Just ‘google it’ is something many parents say to their children every day. Information found online, especially through social media platforms, is often the primary source for kids when preparing school assignments or completing homework. With such a vast array of information and material offered through social media platforms, it can be difficult to navigate all…
TO RESET YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD Written by Miriam ter Borg The human body is a complex mechanism designed to cleanse and remove toxins to maintain a particular level of balance and vibrant health. However, when your body consumes more toxins than it can eliminate it can lead to feelings of fatigue and lethargy, as well as contribute to more…
How To Navigate the Labyrinth of Social Platforms Written by Joe Zhou Social media has taken over our everyday lives. It’s as if you’re ‘missing out’ if you don’t have at least one, but typically more social media accounts. While social media is a great way to stay in touch with those near and far, is it all that it’s…
Written by Peter Horsfield Many of us assume there is a silver bullet formula to attain happiness in our pursuit of personal growth and a higher quality of life. Better education, our career advancement, improved family harmony, more money, material assets and healthier etc. However the paradox is that happiness in itself is not in having these ingredients of happiness…
What is the truth about these dental myths on social media, is it real?
A Taste Of Milan Arancini – Milanese Style Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Arancini – Milanese Style is a traditional recipe, a taste of Italy to inspire your senses, those of taste, smell, and sight. Combining the creamy ness of Arborio rice with the colour and flavour of saffron, all encapsulated within a crispy golden crust of breadcrumbs. I am…
Written by Renata Trebing Scones are always a favourite, and now with this recipe for Saffron Apricot and Pistachio Scones are delicious. Combining beautiful pistachio with dried apricots, and the decadence of saffron truly make this recipe something to savour. Saffron Apricot and Pistachio Scones are a perfect recipe to get the kids involved in cooking, the steps are simple…
Learn all about Saffron, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Who doesn’t love a good mash and this one has all the goods to complete a well-rounded meal Mashed Sweet Potatoes. A great accompaniment for almost any winter meal, hearty and warm, packed full of healthy goodness. Sweet potatoes and butternut squash in a combination together work so very well, they are inexpensive and nutritious. There is no simpler recipe…
Written by Nikki Cox Mothers nowadays are very rushed, stressed and attached to technology. We forget to take a moment to stand still, to reflect and consider our own lives and how we have changed since becoming parents. Motherhood often brings with it a sense of identity loss and the scariest part of going through an identity crisis is not…
Written by Grace Conyers Can I tell you a secret? My superpower is ADHD, and I am highly dependable, fully functional human being… all while being unmedicated. Yes, it’s possible to achieve all your goals with ADHD! Oh, I know. Today’s view on ADHD is that it’s terrible, something to be medicated into oblivion. That’s not how I see it…
Written by Carolyn King Do you ever feel like you can’t think straight? Are you finding that you are spending most of your time barely surviving and living in reactive mode? Putting out fires everywhere rather than laying some solid foundations? Are you feeling like you never have time to do what you want to do? Do you feel that…
Written by Sam Taylor from The Nurture Project As the summer holidays come to a close, we turn our minds to the year ahead and what we hope to achieve. We are often looking for ways to be better versions of ourselves. Perhaps we’d like to lose weight, exercise regularly, start that side hustle or be happier, calmer, more productive…
Buying or Selling a Home this Year? How to Sell and Buy A Home at the Same Time… Written by Eriks Draiska Every real estate transaction is different in its own way. Some real estate transactions are straightforward, while others are a puzzle and have several hurdles that need to be overcome. One of the trickiest situations that can exist in…
These tips will help see them through. Written by Steve Molloy A new decade is upon us with New Year’s resolutions already in first gear. About 70% of people have ‘diet and eat healthy’ as their top priority followed by exercise more and lose weight. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by…
and How to Attain it Without Going to Court Written by Marie Fedorov If you’re one of the 100,000 Australians opting for divorce every year*, you may be feeling stressed and anxious now that your relationship has ended. Although you may know what you want and are experiencing mixed emotions about this turning point in your life, it is important…
The Progression Of Kidney Disease Written by Connie Rogers According to Executive Order by President Trump on July 10th2019, “Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Secretary ofHealth and Human Services shall launch an awareness initiative atthe Department of Health and Human Services to aid the Secretary’sefforts to educate patients and support programs that promote kidney disease…
How to Stay in the Flow, and Manifest Your Heart’s Desires Written by Camille Lucy As the wonderful Abraham-Hicks teaches, life is an experience of contrast. You learn what you want, what you do not want, what feels good and what doesn’t. By living a life of duality, we are able to discern what is for us and what is…
Written by Joe Zhou It’s a New Year, which is the perfect time to set your goals for the future. Even if you’ve done this before, it may be a great time to revisit them because as we all know, our ideas can change. Many people mistakenly think setting goals is too much work or it’s too overwhelming. It doesn’t…
Written by Aida Rejzovic We are so lucky to live in a country where the world really is your oyster. Being able to decide what you want to do with your life is such a privilege, especially when taking into consideration that this is not the case for many parts of the world. With so many options at our fingertips,…
The Only Plan You Need To Achieve Your Goals Written by Peter Horsfield Twenty one years, three months and a few days ago I looked up into a star filled night sky and I was overcome by feelings of regret, fear, loss and embarrassment. I didn’t like where I was, what I had become and what the future would hold…
Loaded Sweet Potato Fries Written by Aimee Clark Great snack for the family watching a sports game or even a movie together. The loaded Fries recipe here uses sweet potato in a truly magnificent way. Usually, you would see potato featured as the main component of this dish, though this switch is magnificent. Loaded Fries is perfect for that cold…
Learn all about Sweet Potato, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Lamb is always a favorite especially around spring time when I feel lam is at its peak. Here is a recipe to highlight the meat to it potential Grilled Rump with Pistachio Crust. Dont get worried, it might sound difficult to prepare, though once you read through the recipe you soon realise it is actually easy. Combining aromatics such as…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Passionfruit & Watermelon Shooters is a recipe that is stunning to the eye. When you use fresh quality ingredients, it tantalizes the tastebuds as well. This is a little bit of a special recipe, though if you have the time and patience it will delight the family. Passionfruit & Watermelon Shooters is a great recipe…
Seared Scallops With Onion Puree Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow One of my favourite items of seafood is the scallop when cooked correctly, unfortunately, it is too often overprepared. Which doesn’t need to be, and you would not be scared to cook it, if you follow the directions in this recipe you will hit the remark every time. Seared Scallops…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Ceviche is a particular way of enjoying seafood, the cooking comes from the acids in the dressing. This recipe for Kingfish Ceviche is spectacular, Kingfish is a beautiful fish to enjoy, with its soft white flesh and delicate taste. This is a simple recipe using fresh lime juice, paired with sliced chillies, for that added…
A Great Healthy Twist To A Classic Wattleseed & Maple Pavlova Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Taking a classic dessert and changing it up by using maple syrup instead of white sugar, really hits the spot. This recipe is a favourite of mine. It hits the spot if you are looking to avoid white sugar. With the addition of wattleseed,…
There is nothing more that I enjoy than a good soup, this recipe for Pork Knuckle & Bean Soup is one of my favourites. It originates in Hungarian cuisine and is a classic, and personally, I can never get enough. One bowl is never enough for me, I can continue to eat it till I bursts. It basically is a…
With this recipe, you can just as easily use a store-bought pastry sheet, especially if you are pressed for time. Provencal Tart is a great way to use up vegetables within your fridge. Though I would suggest trying this recipe prior to augmenting it, as I think it rocks. You can term this another type of pizza, if you like,…
Written by Sarah Milano One of the oldest practices in the world, yoga has been changing lives for thousands of years. Originating in ancient India, yoga has spread to other countries in recent years as a form of body conditioning. Unlike many typical exercises, yoga is a multi-faceted exercise that conditions all three parts of your being: the body, mind…
Written by Sarah Milano Stretching isn’t just about preventing a pulled muscle during exercise; it is about conditioning your body to move at ease. Have you ever watched your child bounce around the house and marvel at their flexibility? Children can bend their bodies in ways that seem inhuman. You may think “Ah, to be young again”, but the truth…
Ginger is one of my favourites, and as tea, like Ginger & Lemon Tea it helps to calm an upset stomach. Citrus is great for general immune health though combined with ginger here in this simple infusion. Creates a strong defence for you to combat those winter ills. I personally like a little honey in my tea, I do have…
Written by Sarah Milano The human body is a complex system. While scientists and doctors don’t know everything there is to know and don’t fully understand all of our body processes, one thing is for sure: the human body needs water to live. Just like a plant needs proper watering to thrive, we need proper hydration for our bodies to…
Written by Sarah Milano As a parent, you are the one that sets the fitness example in your home. If you don’t partake in physical activities then your children, most likely will grow up not partaking in physical activities. This can result in myriad of health problems including obesity, and it really stifles the essence of being a child. The…
Written by Sarah Milano The average school lunch consists of a white bread sandwich topped with deli meat and a slice of cheese, along with a sugary, packaged treat and a juice box. Easy to pack? Yes, but not a balanced meal. Set your children up for good eating habits by packing them a balanced lunch that is satisfying and…
Written by Khahn Tran Pristine beaches, white sandy shores, friendly locals and a wide array of tasty food, there’s no wonder why Samui has become a popular destination amongst travellers of all kinds, young and old, adult and child, family and solo travellers. There is something for everyone on this little Thai island. But sometimes, you just need to relax…
6 Tips For Babymoon Adventures Written By Lyn Mitchell Babymoons are becoming increasingly popular in Australia and can represent a great opportunity for partners to connect before two becomes three. According to research, the second trimester is considered the best time to take a babymoon and for many mums-to-be, this will fall between May and July, given October is the…
Written by Tracey Bell There seems to be a common misperception that Africa should be a cheap holiday destination, and many are shocked when presented with a quote for their safari. This article investigates the reasons why Kenya is expensive for travellers and offers some tips on how to reduce your costs and still enjoy your safari. For decades, the…
This Christmas, there are likely to be many tech gifts under the tree; smart phones, headphones, game consoles.
How to make you plans water efficient.
Written by Eriks Draiska, Managing Director of Plaza Real Estate. Being able to save money is vital, whether you intend on paying cash or using a mortgage when you buy. Proof that you pay your financial obligations on time and save money can lead to better loan rates and terms. The ability to pay your bills on time and still…
Written by Aida Rejzovic If like most of us your New Years resolution resembles something along the lines of ‘improving health’, making adjustments to your lifestyle that involve eco-friendly alternatives are the next step. While we all want to look great in a swimsuit, health is just as much about feeling fabulous on the inside. Energy, vitality, all those buzz…
Is Longing For Connection Written by Connie Rogers Billions have pored into Facebook for this very reason. Connection! When young, we learn and are responsive to experiences and environmental influences. Connection is a language all its own and, most times, spoken without words. For instance, we seem to understand the mind/ muscle connection when we train for a marathon. In utero,…
The importance of social distancing and dental hygiene.
Christmas Is A Time Of Sharing Written by Joy Fairhall Positive Psychology and Wellbeing specialist Christmas is a time for giving and receiving and for most of us, that means gifts, physical gifts. However, have you thought about a more meaningful way you can give gifts to each other during the festive season? What if you considered giving an authentic…
On Trend For Separating Couples Written by Marie Fedorov We’ve all heard of life coaches and fitness coaches, but the latest trend for separated couples across Australia is to head towards the future with the help of a divorce mediation coach. With a 2018 report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealing that the average time time from marriage to…
Written by Grace Conyers Close your eyes and picture what you want in life, what comes to mind? I bet it’s not piles of money, but something far simpler. Maybe it’s quietly reading under a tree with your dog nearby. Perhaps it’s sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand while sipping on iced tea and chatting with…
In Your Business? Written by Jessa Lewis. When I first started my online business, This Jessa Lewis, I only had about $100 to put into it and I could have easily let this stop me from moving forward with the side hustle. People I had spoken to often spouted off a range of figures with respect to what capital you…
Written by Dr. Joseph Sgroi What is it? PMS refers to physical and emotional symptoms that some women experience in the lead up to menstruation. Symptoms often occur in the one to two weeks before hand and stop once bleeding begins. PMS can interfere with day to-day activities and relationships and the severity is often measured based on this. What…
Written By Joe Zhou The definition of “Wealth” on Google dictionary is an abundance of valuable possessions or money. Now in the past, that’s what I used to believe, if I have money to buy a house by the beach, travel anywhere I want whenever I want, buy a nice car, among other things. So for me, at that time…
Arabian Style Pinwheels is a recipe designed basically for kids, allowing them to prepare and construct the entire recipe. We take a traditional tabouleh salad, and pair that with hummus, fresh pita, and spicy rocket lettuce. The kids seem to love it, and why not it is delicious. It is also a healthy recipe that is suitable for plant-based diets,…
Learn all about Kuzu, what it is and what it is used for.
One of the most expensive ingredients, but what is it really?
Learn all about Quinoa, where does it originate from and how to use it.
Learn what this tasty little delight is best used for and how to use it.
Learn about rhubarb, its origins, uses and how to cook with it.
Learn all about Harissa paste, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Written by Kathy Fray Over the past 100 years, modern medicine has experienced the most radical, mind-blowing and breath-taking evolutions, which only 100 years ago, would likely not have been even vaguely imaginable, let alone yearned for. Remember, it was only World War II, in the 1940s, which finally escalated the urgent global need for commercial volumes of antibiotics, to…
The Modern Benefits and Uses of an Ancient Wellness Practice Written by Camille Lucy Aromatherapy can be traced back more than 3,500 years, though the term was not coined until the 20th century. Essential oils were used in Ancient Egypt, Greece, India, Rome and China and references were made in the Bible (both the Old and New Testament have dozens…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Now I need to be honest kale has never been a first on my grocery list, I sort of actually avoided it, due to some unfortunate initial introductions to the vegetable. Though after trying, rather hesitantly this Kale & Banana Smoothie, well it sort of changed my opinion. No don’t get me wrong, it is…
What’s for Dinner Tonight? Kale & Pecorino Frittata Frittata is the perfect meal or snack for the whole family and this Kale & Pecorino Frittata recipe is the perfect example of such a dish. So lets look into this Kale & Pecorino Frittata and break down the ingredients a little, well we all know kale though what is pecorino? Pecorino…
Green leafy goodness, but what is this kale revolution?
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Moree is situated in the north-western NSW wheat belt and is well known for its hot artesian spas throughout the country. You certainly get a strong sense of community there, as we did while attending the 2015 Moree On A Plate festival which was blessed with an amazingly happy sky this year. The event attracts…
Snack Idea For the Kids (Mad Mexican) Mad Mexican is a great recipe for your kids and their friends to enjoy, because one Mad Mexican can feed upto 10 hungry bellies depending on the size of your tortillas. It a great way to get the kids in to the kitchen, as they can customise this recipe to their own likes,…
Written by Osteopathy Australia Your and your children’s health is an investment, not an expense. Between a busy family life and work commitments it can be tricky to find the time and money to spend on self-care but investing in your health is worth every single cent. Actively looking after your health maximizes your chances of living a long, healthy…
Gardening can be a form of therapy, that can heal the mind and body.
TIps and tricks for all gardeners and would be gardeners, about growing the perfect produce with limited space and resources.
4 ways you and the kids can get fit together Written by Aidan Whitehurst Exercise. It’s the Rubik’s cube of our generation isn’t it? There always seems to be something more pressing to do, especially when there are kids in the picture. Sometimes it can feel like the only physical activity we get is the exasperated arm waving that accompanies…
Written by Clint & Aimee To us, wealth is not about the stockpile of cash in the bank and items we own but is about the abundance of happy memories and experiences we have, as well as the relationships we hold dear. Christmas time is often filled with spending time and money on accumulating gifts and decorations, and while those…
Written by Marguerita Cheng Some say wealth is the same as being rich. But being wealthy isn’t only about how much money you have. Like happiness, wealth can have different meanings for different people. It’s more than the money and possessions you accumulate. The quality of life you enjoy is a better representation of wealth than your salary. Instead of…
Written by Peter Horsfield We’re going to live a free life, a happy peaceful life. This means more to us than anything in the world. This is a story about freedom and every day doing the little but important things. About Paul Kelly’s inspiring and moving song about Vincent Lingiari Paul Kelly- From Little Things Big things Grow And Albert Einstein’s famous quote is “Compound…
Now & For The Future Written by Rachel Allan, marketer, coach, author and mum. Technology has changed the way we manage our life. Most of us have a smartphone in our pocket. Our smartphone is full of apps that manage so many different aspects of your life. Technology is making our lives easier. It is also moving so fast it…
Learn all about Walnut, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Snack Time – Maple Walnut Cream Cheese Written by Renata Trebing Often we are rushed for something nutritious and quick to fill that hunger void growing within us, welll here is a great recipe to help that situation. Utilizing maple syrup and walnuts, with cream cheese, and you have a mix of heaven that will satisfy any snack cravings should…
Something for the Adults! Written by Tenina Holder The chocolate walnut tart is fine for the whole family though to make it a treat for the grown-ups add the Bourbon cream and you will soon be singing a new tune of happiness. Chocolate and walnuts are an amazing combination and this tart recipe is a sure winner for the whole…
Learn all about Wattle Seeds, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
An honest and frank interview with Katie Underwood.
LEarn how passionate Connie Rogers is about creating a healthier world and a healthier you.
Osteopathy explained by Paul Hermann
Invasive & Impacting Your Kids…Even If You Don’t Know About It… Written by Annette Rose First let’s understand what cyberbullying is – according to the ESafety Commissioner it is the use of technology to bully a person or group with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or even physically. I know as the mother of 3 teenagers – 18,…
And dealing with bullying Written by Jay Anderson As humans we are all “relational beings” -this means that connecting with others is actually really important for us and for our survival. Sure, there are some people whose personality is more introverted, who may like their own time and space, and other people (usually the exception) ….who may have social anxiety…
In Your Online Business Written by Jessa Lewis When we were young, we would go to the playground and just be ourselves. We would dance like we wanted, we would say whatever we felt like saying and we didn’t have any concerns about whether someone was going to take offence, be rude or get the wrong impression. But then as…
Written by Tracy Bell Gone are the days when “Safari” was only for the elite of Britain’s colonial population. Nowadays the Dark Continent is accessible to anyone on any budget. And it is no longer about hunting or simply wildlife spotting. Increasingly, travellers are looking for ways to connect with people, to find out how other cultures live, what they…
What You Need To Know About Written by Marguerita Cheng Bullying was once considered a normal part of growing up. But name-calling and spreading rumours are more than an unpleasant childhood experience. It’s bullying, and no one should have to endure it. Unfortunately, the rise in technology and smartphones have brought it to a whole new level. According to a…
Written by Vicki Radford Parents usually understand the idea of bullying in the playground, where one child repeatedly mentally intimidates or physically harasses another child, but cyberbullying can be a different story. If you were born before the 1990s, you’ve probably never experienced cyberbullying at school because nothing was online then. Cyberbullying is different from bullying because the bully doesn’t…
Looking at how the public and private sectors can work together to save the environment.
Ensuring your plans meet the water efficiency benchmarks.
Of Motherhood Written by Nikki Cox Being a mother comes hand-in-hand with being or feeling judged these days, particularly with the prominence of social media. It’s much more common than you think it is, with 6 in 10 mums in a recent report declaring they have been criticised for their parenting skills. But shaming a mum doesn’t seem to be…
Don’t Be Bullied Along the Way! Written by Eriks Draiska Selling a home is a detailed process, but it isn’t rocket science either. Sometimes real estate agents and their sellers try to simplify it too much and miss the important steps. Every day new homes are listed for sale. However, many of the finest homes are not sold and ‘expire’…
Preparing your home and pets for spring, what do we need to consider?
Written by Aida Rejzovic These days we are surrounded by so many chemicals that we have often been exposed to hundreds of toxins before even leaving the house. While there is little that can be done about outside contaminants, you can significantly reduce your chemical load by watching out for the following common household toxins. Furnishings, plastics and electronics Volatile…
Written By Joy Fairhall, Positive Psychology and Wellbeing specialist We all know the saying “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you”. This used to be said to kids who were upset by what other kids said about or called them. The reality, however, is that words can hurt, and sometimes very deeply and, in…
Written by Joe Zhou Bullying / Cyberbullying is definitely a big issue that can harm the environment in schools, workplaces and friend circles. It doesn’t only happen between children but also between adults. Bullying can happen literally anywhere. It can happen in schools, at home, at work, in online social spaces, via text messaging or via email. It can be…
By Marie Fedorov of FEDOROV Family Lawyers It isn’t news to anybody that social media has played a huge part in shaping the way today’s society operates, including our forms of communication, interaction, shopping and many other significant aspects of life as we know it. If we were to take a snapshot of daily interaction between friends and family from…
Written by ©Connie Rogers Published Author, CHC Adults and children alike are absorbing more brain-damaging chemicals today than in the sixties. Our body’s largest organ, our skin, absorbs toxins not only from what touches the skin but from what we eat and what we are exposed to. Research suggests poor nutrition increases our risk for mental disorders, obesity, and brain…
The 10 best self care tips I recommend for All women. Written by Dr. Joseph Sgroi Drink water At the very least 8 glasses a day for woman and 10 for men. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you need more – so at least 9 glasses. Mix it up by adding some fresh fruit or herbs like mint to…
Learn how to grow the perfect bean, and what are the options out there.
To Boost Self-Esteem Written by Clint Bauer According to Albert Einstein “Play is the highest form of research” and he isn’t wrong, but I also believe that play is an extremely useful tool when it comes to boosting children’s self-confidence and self-esteem, which will better equip them to handle challenging situations in the future such as peer pressure and bullying.…
Written by Peter Horsfield It’s common knowledge that debt and financial problems are the number one cause for stress and worry in our lives. Recently I met with “Frank and Ernest” who had amassed combined total debts of $127,000 across their credit cards, home loan and personal loans. Frank told me that they expected to be debt free in fifteen…
Turn 20 Days Into 52 Days Of Holidays This post was written by Peter Horsfield, as such, they are his personal views. As a financial planner for the last 20 years, planning is now well and truly part of my DNA. And between you and me, once you know the core fundamentals about money planning; working with numbers, projections, legislations and…
Learn all about Spelt, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Cookies That The Whole Family Will Love To Eat Spelt Cookies Written by Renata Trebing Cookies are a much-loved favourite for many people. In this recipe, the author has combined the ingredient spelt with another world favorite ingredient, the humble, but ever loved chocolate chip. If you are new to spelt, you might not know that it is an ancient…
Quinoa Stuffed Butternut Pumpkin Written by Tenina Holder Let’s face it pumpkin is an ever favourite, and combine that with a currently popular quinoa stuffing as an ingredient and you have a winner every time, it Quinoa stuffed! In this recipe, the author has created a delicious recipe that is also suitable for those who prefer to be vegan (if…
Although the combination of celeriac, parsnip and pear seem somewhat at odds with each other. They really work well together especially in this recipe for Celeriac & Pear Soup. We have sparked it up with the use of the fresh truffle, which is not necessary. Soups are always a perfect starter to a meal, and this one is no exception…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow I do not have a favourite of anything, as I believe it limits one, though clafoutis always satisfies. This recipe Chocolate & Cherry Clafoutis takes the traditional recipe and adds cocoa, for something sublime. Again this is not a terribly technical recipe, though it does need attention till you are comfortable with making it. Clafoutis…
Written by Hally Rhiannon-Nammu When it comes to looking after the environment we are reasonably well versed on what to do, what not to do and what options to strive towards. However, it comes to our own well being what is organic or not is commonly undertaken as an extreme. Influenced by trends and popularity of what is right or…
Teach your children to Become Conscious of their Footprint while Growing Stronger Together Written by Camille Lucy Going green is one of the simplest ways to incorporate conscious behaviour into your family – taking care of the planet that houses and supports us – and it’s easier than you may think. What’s more, going green doesn’t just benefit the planet.…
Learning all about the connections between environmental pollution and your health.
Understanding the family finances and how to take charge in these trying times.
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Gougeres are a traditional French recipe that is well-loved and admired across the globe. All we have done here in the recipe for Chanterelle & Herb Gougeres is to add our own touch to it. Adding a selection of fresh herbs and chanterelle mushrooms and the creaminess of Gruyere cheese. Basically, Gougeries are crispy chou…
The traditional risotto prepared with arborio rice is a classic of the Italian kitchen. We have taken this and reworked it to substitute the rice with beautiful pearl barley. Which provides, as long as it is cooked correctly a similar level of creaminess as the rice provides. Our recipe here for Pearl Barley & Chanterelle Risotto featured the chanterelle mushroom,…
Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Here is a type of pizza recipe, well a posh French version, Chanterelle Tart Flammekueche. I have to admit it is very very tasty, and simple enough to prepare. You will see there is a bit of dairy on here, so if you are lactose intolerant, you may choose to avoid this one. In this…
Learn all about Chanterelle Mushrooms, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Written by Aimee Clark Here is a recipe out of left field, I have never had a Banana Cinnamon Jelly, or for that matter even a banana jelly. It is certainly not a flavour to be found on the supermarket shelves. Though I have to admit it is a way to use up an abundance of bananas, prior to them…
This is a perfect salad for winter, as it can be enjoyed either warm or cold. Roasted Root Vegetable Salad uses carrots sweet potatoes, and black radishes. In a combination that is bound by a biting vinegarette dressing that works well. If you are looking for ways to migrate to a more plant-based diet. Roasted Root Vegetable Salad, is certainly…
Brussel sprouts generally get a bad rap, probably due to the horrible ways in which they are generally prepared. Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad is a perfect recipe to showcase the best of this vegetable, as there is no cooking involved. It is too easy to overcook this little gem of a vegetable, and once that occurs. Even for me, they…
Internet Safety Written by Annette Rose The online world continues to evolve, especially with the invention of high powered smart devices. There is a lot that the internet has to offer. Life has become smoother, faster, and better all thanks to the virtual space and the solutions that it provides for individuals and families alike. However, the internet also comes…
Written by Jessa Lewis In this day and age of the internet, social media and smartphones, it can be a tricky line to balance being present in online businesses and, in a position to communicate online with others whilst also considering cyber safety. It’s also too simplistic to just say – don’t go online, show up less online or tell…
Written by Grace Conyers If I were to ask you to name off all the apps that use your GPS location on your phone, tablets, and computers would you know? Sure, there are your maps, but did you know your email, social media, and even some games use location data? If you have a modern car with a navigation unit…
Practical security advice for your African holiday How To Stay Safe Travelling Africa Written by Tracey Bell With an average of four and a half million tourists arriving each year (that is pure tourists, excludes business travellers and diaspora visiting family), tourism is the number one industry for many African nations, and vital to their economies. However, the “Dark Continent”…
To Keep Families Safe Online Written by Marguerite Cheng The internet is an extraordinary place. Kids, teens, and adults can find joy and countless hours of entertainment day and night. Unfortunately, dangers lurk everywhere, and they’re not always easy to spot. Protecting you and your family when sharing events and pictures, researching reports, or playing games online is crucial. From…
Internet Safety 4 Hacks To Protect Yourself & Your Family Online Written by Victoria Radford Stranger Danger used to be all about making sure kids didn’t talk to strangers on our way home from school or get into anyone’s car just because they were offered a lolly. It seemed easier to understand the idea of a physical person trying to…
Environmental myths and the reasons they are just not true.
Working from the Inside Out Written By Camille Lucy Technology has become part of the norm in our households, in our business and personal lives and even in the lives of our children: in school, and at home. It would be near impossible to sterilize your home and family from the internet, some form of social media, smart devices or…
Written By Eriks Draiska –Managing Director – Plaza Real Estate Buying or Selling a property involves one if the most expensive financial transactions of our lives. The internet has made the process easier and quicker but like many things care is required. Here are a few things to keep in mind in your search for the perfect home. Photographs There’s…
Protecting your pets for the colder months, what to do and why.
This is a delicious recipe that has the versatility to be an entree, appetizer or part of an antipasto selection. This Spinach & Tomato Tart recipe combines a selection of quality ingredients that are sure to impress. This is a simple enough recipe, you need little food knowledge to prepare it. Unusually we have included that amazing bush tucker ingredient…
Written by Nikki Cox Games are an integral part of human behaviour. It is normal and healthy to engage in play as part of daily life, including playing games online. The proliferation of personal screens in our everyday lives (phones, tablets, laptops) means that online gaming, or playful digital activities, can be accessed at most times and in most places.…
Considering, You, your family, your activity needs and your dog Written by Jay Anderson So often life is busy. We are “doing this” and “doing that”, going here, going there. The focus on life can sometimes be on the daily routines; off to school, off to work, get home-take the kids here, or there…..get home again, shower, bath, homework, dinner.…
And how to reduce the impact Written by Joy Fairhall The internet has bought the world closer together however, in our homes, it can do the exact opposite with our family life often pushed apart. Who isn’t familiar with children with their little noses deep into the device of their choice whether phone, tablet or even gaming on a TV.…
Are you thinking of representing yourself, and need some advice with an affidavit?
Written by Dr. Joseph Sgroi What is it? Postnatal depression affects approximately 1 in 7 women and develops between a month and a year after a baby is born. It is different from the baby blues, which up to 80% of women may experience. The ‘baby blues’ is a set of feelings that can occur between day three and ten…
Protecting Your Family Online Written by Joe Zhou The online world continues to evolve, especially with the invention of high powered smart devices. There is a lot that the internet has to offer. Life has become smoother, faster, and better all thanks to the virtual space and the solutions that it provides for individuals and families alike. However, the internet…
Written by Connie Rogers If you want to join another FAD diet here’s what you need to consider. There is a myth that we need to eat less and exercise more in order to lose weight. But successful weight loss entails lessening toxic exposures in the foods we choose to eat. Why? It’s our gut microbiota that we need to tune into (before any…
Everything you need to know about composting, what, where, how and why.
Learn all about Black Radish, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Meg Mitchell Moore Written by Kristen Boucher I’ve always marvelled at the idea of summer reads. It’s as if a readers life automatically get’s put on hold when the weather turns itself up and we can all languorously relax beside a pool with a great read and a cocktail. We parents know however, that there is no time to stop…
Written by Connie Rogers What do you think about when you’re sick? Usually, I find most just want a cough syrup, pill, or antibiotic to fix it! We all just want to feel better faster. But, is this way of thinking a lasting solution? The answer to wellness lies in our home. It’s about eating plenty of healthy foods, drinking…
the importance of practicing good oral hygiene, and how to attack it.
Learn about this truly inspiring Australian family, who helped tame the outback.
An Australian poem written by Norma Wainwright.
Learn all about the man, where he has come from and what the future holds.
Learn about developing healthy dental habits, from the start.
Shapeshifting from Business Woman to Mum Written by Julia Christie I seem to be facing new challenges each and every day, but one recurring hurdle is that of work/life balance. Just when I find myself in the right mindset and settle down in my workspace, I think to myself I should be spending time with my children, cuddling and reading…
While You Work Out With The Family Written by Jessa Lewis Running an online business and brand can sometimes feel like an impossible task when you’re also trying to raise a family and juggle a household. However, more and more parents and caregivers are taking advantage of this golden age of the internet and are choosing to start their own…
Top 3 Tips For Choosing a Holiday Destination Written by Tracy Bell How to Start – Choosing a Holiday Destination The world was my oyster – I could go anywhere! But the overload of information and pressure of deciding where to go made this freedom quite daunting. I had a rough itinerary, but through my travels, I learnt to leave…
And Find Your Families Perfect Outdoors Adventure Get Tech Savvy Written by Victoria Radford Getting outside with the kids can often be a challenge. Finding time to do things is only part of the puzzle to getting about and about. Our new world full of technological advancements can often work against us too. On the flip side though, we now…
Looking at changing the environment through personal fitness.
Written by Nikki Cox Motherhood is profoundly fulfilling, but it is also the most physically, emotionally and mentally demanding activity anyone could ever do. There is no doubt that some dads are great; fantastic with the kids, committed to mutual parenting, do their fair share around the house and are very supportive overall. But this isn’t always the case. If…
Understanding your dog, reading the signs and what they are telling you.
Written by Bill Adamson School bags are an essential aspect of the back-to-school process. Just over 4 million Australian Children will carry their bag this school year, but the right – or wrong – backpack can have a much longer effect on your child’s health. Osteopath, Dr. Patricia Thomas, strongly supports the need of a backpack, “Carrying a backpack and sitting…
Written by Osteopathy Australia Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints seen by a GP or healthcare professional. It is estimated that over 80% of Australians will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back pain may be acute (new pain) or chronic (longstanding pain), and it can range from mild and annoying…
How to stop the spreading of germs with multiples when they share everything.
Written by Dr. James Zois Ever noticed how easily some people can learn new skills? I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “he’s just a natural.” But perhaps the answer is not as simple as you think. Perhaps it has more to do with the type of learner you are and less to do with “your natural ability.” Let me explain…
and why it’s easier than you think! Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma Nature is such a buzzword at the moment. And for good reason too. Though humans may just be getting back into their natural groove, if there’s one thing that’s been constant throughout the ages, it’s Mother Nature. Even if we’re just catching onto the next big Natural fad,…
Written by Connie Rogers Do You Suffer With Low Energy or Burnout? Stimulants are attractive if we think they’re providing temporary energy. Sadly, they are not. Energy drinks can be filled with toxic chemicals, dyes, and fluoride. Additionally, plastic containers containing BPA’s can be leaching into your beverages causing fatigue. What you can do. Drink pure, clean filtered water from…
…… and prevent those pesky pains Written by Cherie Rivas Do you remember way back when you were a kid and your parents and/or grandparents were constantly reminding you: “sit up straight”…. “don’t slouch in your chair”…. “chest out, shoulders back”…? Do you ever feel any physical sensations, (now that you’re an adult), like an aching back…. tension in your…
Be financially prepared for starting a family.
How to manage with debt, in reality, the good and the bad.
Sweet Potato Chips Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow We are all searching for that healthier snack option, and who doesn’t love chips? Well here is a healthier option in Sweet Potato Chips, utilising sweet potatoes, oven-baked, not fried. Then add to the mix a tangy sauce containing bush tucker ingredient macadamia nuts, which are so tasty and nutritious. Yes, it…
Date Fudge Cookies Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow These tasty little cookies, the date fudge cookies, are simple to make and packed full of goodness. You will notice there is no added sugar, as there is enough in the dates, which are naturally packed full of sweetness. The macadamia nuts add the body and the cocoa, or chocolate if you…
Roasted Beetroot & Macadamia Nut Dip Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Dips are always a winner when you have guests around, though too often we tend to get a little tired of the usual suspects. Roasted Beetroot & Macadamia Nut Dip is a simple to make alternative, that is super cheap and takes little time to make. It is pack…
Learning more about this inspiring woman Naomi Dorland.
Learn all about Macadamia Nuts, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
As a spice combination, Za’atar is a clear winner, originating from Middle Eastern cuisine. It certainly sets a strong foundation for a memorable meal. Through the simple combination of select herbs and spices including the iconic sumac. which together provide a uniquely Middle Eastern experience. Za’atar can be used on everything from bread, to chicken, meats or seafood, the combinations…
Sumac & Berry Smash Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow One of my favourite types of fruit is berries, especially when they are in season, not like the strawberries which are available year round. They seldom need much to accompany them, though from time to time a little help helps to enhance their impact.\ such as in this recipe for Sumac…
And Extra-curricular Activities Written by James Zois Active kids are smarter kids We know that physical activity is an important ingredient in staying fit and healthy. But did you know that learning piano, martial arts, tennis, guitar or other activities can make you smarter? That’s right, research suggests that by learning new skills you can improve your brains neural functioning.…
Tips to help making raising twins and multiples easier.
Learn all about Sumac, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
LEarning more about women’s health, and what inspires Cherie Rivas
If you are a chicken lover and are not averse to spice, and I am not talking about chilli spice, but the more general spices. Then this is the recipe for you, Spiced Sumac Chicken is a combination of spices including sumac and paprika, that when combined. Help to create an amazing flavour experience, the family will love, with its…
Za’atar Manaqish Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow If you are anything like me your Achilles heel of the gastronomic world is good bread. Za’atar Manaqish is one of those breads, which I came across first some years back at a middle eastern bakery. Now I am all for trying new things, I saw the Za’atar Manaqish, asked what it was,…
Here’s Why! And 8 Simple Techniques to Begin Today Written by Camille Lucy Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, are growing in society, organizations and schools and it’s no surprise why: research is stacking up that the benefits are profound and there are no “adverse side effects.” Mindfulness has been shown to improve the mental, emotional, physical and social health and wellbeing of the children…
Written by Cherie Rivas Reaching the heights of a gold medal Olympian, competing in an obstacle race or simply doing 5k’s at your local Park Run may not be on your health & fitness radar…. but regardless of how large or small your wellness goal is, your success can be achieved through the same serious of simple steps. You’re probably…
How can you not love a crisp fresh salad, and this is a traditional favourite Fattoush Salad. Typically it is like a garden salad on steroids, with the crisp of the toasted bread, the mint and the sumac. Instantly you have an amazing flavour explosion in your mouth, which is sure to impress even the harshest critique. The Fattoush Salad…
Learn all about Asparagus, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Lets look at the benefits of insurance policies we would not normally consider.
Towards better health Written by Cherie Rivas Our children are so full of amazing potential…. each of them with their own unique talents and special gifts to bring to this world…. but the unfortunate and undeniable truth is though, that our ever-increasing sedentary lifestyles, are not only putting our own health at risk, but also the health (and longevity) of…
Asparagus & Prosciutto Fritti Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow This combination of asparagus and cured pork is delicious, then add to that the bite of acid from fresh lemon, and you are elevated to another gastronomic level. Asparagus & Prosciutto Fritti can be a starter or just a snack with a crisp white wine on a balmy summer evening. This…
Either consume this soup hot or cold, it can be enjoyed either way, the combination of fresh ingredients allows the flavour to be enjoyed either way. Creamy Asparagus & Watercress Soup brings together not only healthy ingredients but rather ingredients that are packed full of power. The vitamins and health benefits of asparagus and watercress are enormous, not to mention…
Banana & Mango Frozen Yoghurt Pops Provided by Bananas Australia This recipe is certainly a summer winner for the kids, and easy enough for them to make, once you, as the parent, show them how. Banana & Mango Frozen Yoghurt Pops use fresh produce in season and create a creamy and naturally sweet dessert or snack that is both healthy,…
If you are on the lookout for new and exciting salad recipe ideas, here is a winner, just for you. Asparagus and Cress Salad certainly ticks many of the boxes, especially if you are looking for a plant-based salad option, which is not part of the ordinary. I need to add a caveat here though, this is a recipe only…
This BBQ Baby Leek & Asparagus recipe is based upon a traditional recipe from the Spanish cuisine cookbook. The sauce used is better known as sauce romesco, which is a staple in Spanish cuisine. This recipe is perfect as an accompaniment to an alfresco dining experience, or as a side dish for a more substantial course. If you have chosen…
Toffee Chocolate Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Toffee Chocolate is based upon a classical French recipe better known as Creme Brulee, a light creamy dessert scented with vanilla. This recipe has the addition of cocoa and is finished off with fresh raspberries, which complement the chocolate aspect. If you are looking to impress a business associate or a romantic interest,…
7 ways to bring joy to your daily life.
Ways to make the most of life, and celebrate in what you have.
Australians spend up to 22 hours of their working week seated behind desks. Back problems are the third leading cause of disease burden in Australia1 and can occur from continual poor posture while seated1,2. Prolonged static and awkward work postures, and repetitive movements can increase the likelihood of developing a musculoskeletal disorder1. During October’s National Safe Work Month, Osteopathy Australia highlights…
Tips for tackling the festive season with multiples or twins.
Learn all about Gula Melaka, its origins, and uses, both now and throughout history.
Beyond the Festive Season Written by Cherie Rivas Let’s be honest…. the Festive Season has the power to derail even the ‘healthiest’ individuals…. and whilst we always have the best intentions of getting ‘back on track’ right after New Year, sometimes we can end up in the middle of February before we even realise that our eating and exercise patterns…
Facts are, when we have a family we’ve got to shop and cook in order to eat well and be well. Although these chores are admittedly not as easy as zipping through the drive through and unwrapping a hamburger, doing these things don’t have to make us crazy. And, just like exercise it can easily become part of a routine…
Written by Dr. Joseph Scroi Both his and hers… fertility all around! Can you boost your chance of getting pregnant through what you eat… let’s find out. Mixing your diet up and keeping it healthy really does go without saying. We know that diets that are high in whole grains, fruits & vegetables, as well as seafood and poultry are…
& 5 Ways to Harness It Written by Camille Lucy Everything begins as energy, then manifests or solidifies into form. (The Power) Would you believe that your thoughts can actually change your DNA? The brain is remarkable and your thoughts are extremely powerful. By harnessing your thoughts, you can access your subconscious mind and actually change your DNA. What’s more, negative thoughts…
Written by Nikki Cox Women are naturally multi-taskers, and this innate skill ramps up significantly after you become a mother. Constantly trying to remember things you need to do, people you need to call, appointments you need to book, decisions you need to make… just to feel like you are in control of your life and are always ahead. As…
Creating a sustainable world for everyone.
Written by Vaibhav Shah If you are a fan of science fic movies just like me, I guess Artificial Intelligence is something that would pique your fascination. Take the example of JARVIS from Marvel’s franchise Ironman. The smart AI system who manages everything for the protagonist – Tony Stark. From assisting him when he’s out to save the world to…
6 Ideas For A Volunteer Holiday Written by Tracey Bell “Voluntourism” is fast becoming the trend for both young and old travelers who want to experience the culture of their destination in depth and spend more time engaging with local people. It has also been a source of controversial reports regarding the impact on communities and the potential for exploitation…
Easy crafts using items found in the garden.
Provided by Bananas Australia Summer Banana Fruit Salad is something special, it is a celebration of life, and the abundance of what the garden has to offer. Below the recipe, there are some suggestions for alternate fruit for different seasons. Make sure you only use produce in season, as it will be at its peak, plus you will be aiding…
Written by Connie Rogers Young or old, if obesity is on the rise so is brain fog. Why is this important? Obesity is instrumental in brain atrophy. This means, a poor dietary lifestyle and exposure to chemicals have been found to deplete our mental reserves, serotonin levels and become causal in misfiring electrical signals. In today’s world, mending memory can…
Written by Jane Wilson. Making kids clean may seem like the hardest job, ever topped only by breastfeeding. It is, indeed, at least most times. It all comes down to your child’s character, your own persistence and lots of patience. It gets easier with time but teaching children this useful habit is not an overnight process. It takes years of…
Grilled Nectarine Salad This is a special dish sure to be appreciated by the majority, it has a variety of flavours. Utilising the freshness, offered by the summer garden. This is a complete salad with asparagus, beetroot, tomato, and sweet almonds. The versatility of this dish is evident, with such a flavour punch it is sure to be a winner,…
Written by: Nikki Cox Whether you have returned to work already, or are planning on it, going back to work after full time parenting can be daunting; even when you have a career you love. You will likely feel a huge mix of emotions; the excitement of working and spending time with adults again, the anxiety about your child’s care…
Creating a sustainable world whilst balancing your work life balance.
Tomatillo & Avocado Salsa Written by Renata Trebing Tomatillo is a unique ingredient more common throughout South America, and a little difficult to obtain here. Though you will be rewarded should you take the time to source this little ingredient and share in its amazing flavour. Tomatillo and Avocado Salsa is a perfect accompaniment for eggs, meats chicken or even…
15 Apps You Need For A Work-Life Balance Written by Victoria Radford We live in a wonderful world where parents are constantly told, “You can do it all”. When it comes to achieving work/life balance, however, without the right tools it can sometimes feel like we are pushing a shopping trolley up a hill. I recently went back to work…
Breakfast Gratin Egg Cups Written by Teninia Holder These Breakfast Gratin Egg Cups, are too easy. You can actually pre-make the whole thing then just re-heat on demand. But for best results, I suggest leaving the grilling of the parmey at the end, until you are ready to serve. So pre-do the rest. Then go from there. Fresh, fragrant, yummy,…
Written By Vaibhav Shah Finding that perfect equilibrium between the work and family is what most of the millennials strive for. And living in this productivity-driven and highly competitive society where the cacophony of terms like “deadlines”, “workload”, “sales-targets” and “overtime” often resonates, it gets even more elusive to achieve that balance. Let’s be honest, we all try to juggle…
Dips – Red Kidney Bean Hummus Recipe by Tenina Holder Dips are perfect when entertaining guests, as well as being a healthy filler between meals for the kids. Dips are cost-effective and can be part of a well-balanced diet. This recipe for Red Kidney Bean Hummus is a variation of the more traditional Middle eastern Hummus recipe, popular worldwide. Dips…
Written by Tracey Bell East Africa is such an exciting destination for families, with plenty of activities and experiences to give you and your children lasting memories. There’s no denying that it is a more challenging destination than most, but if your children are aged from around nine years (so they can engage with and remember the experience) it can…
Spicy Tuna Rolls Written by Renata Trebing If you have ever been hesitant about preparing sushi rolls, well you are not alone you are perhaps in the majority. Though here is a simple recipe, Spicy Tuna Rolls, to help break through that fear and have you delving into the world of Japanese inspired gastronomy. Sea Grapes are one of those…
Sammy Leo is a woman who doesn’t take no for an answer, and has forged something special out of nothing.
Written by Marguerita Cheng Getting your family off the couch is tough. When you add in smartphones, tablets, and other mobile gadgets, it seems impossible. But don’t let that deter your efforts! You know exercise is essential for your family’s health. From lowering risks of disease, controlling weight, and helping kids perform better in school, it has many benefits. With…
Written by Clint Bauer Working with children on a regular basis and often spending time with my niece and nephews, what I find energises them the most (and us!) is spending time in nature. Why is nature good for family fitness and getting active? (Get more energised) For one… it’s free to use! That’s a pretty good reason right there!…
All you need to know about growing peas, and then what to do with them.
Author: Cherie Rivas Let’s face it…. regardless of whether you’ve got one child, a whole tribe of kids, or you’re still in the planning stages…. you want to be an actively engaged parent and build a solid foundation that supports the health and happiness of each family member. Mums and Dads will already know, that once kids become mobile, you…
Are you exposed to environmental toxins and find yourself unable to lose unwanted weight? For my readers, I’d like to simplify the relationship between toxic scents, ‘weight loss efforts’, and hormone imbalances. There are many tired of the weight-loss rollercoaster and want to learn why they haven’t been successful in the past. So let’s touch on a few barriers that…
(and Why It’s Important…) Written by Annette Rose It’s no secret that in 2019 we are all trying to fit more in – technology has given rise to an era of ‘always on’ affecting us and our families in ways that are not all positive. I can work from the time I wake up till the time I go to…
Written by Joe Zhou Any opportunity to spend quality time with your family should be taken advantage of. Doing activities together and sharing laughter during an afternoon is something that is priceless. Happiness and family health are two things that go hand in hand. What is fitness? (Energizing the Family) Fitness is a way of being what will help you…
Looking at the alternatives to how we mediate at the moment.
Learn more about this inspiring woman’s and some of the challenges she has faced in life.
Boost Your Brain In This High-Tech World Written by Vicki Radford Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘If I could just get my brain to think as I want it to, then my life would be so much better!’? Our mind is very powerful and controls our lives in so many ways but sometimes our brain needs a little help…
Lets look at finance from a different angle.
Make Skin Care A Priority Written by Nina Gajic It always amazes me when women tell me they treat their skincare routine as special “me-time.” And if they are busy – which we all are really, with kids and work – they drop their routine or just slap on some moisturiser at night. Is self-care an act of selfishness for…
Written by Kim Guseli, Cosmetic Chemist, Botanical Skincare Lab In today’s fast-paced world, incorporating self-care into our daily lives has become essential for maintaining overall well-being. Amidst the chaos, adopting a tranquil skincare routine not only offers physical benefits but also contributes to our emotional and mental health. In this article, we will delve into the advantages of prioritizing skincare…
A Plant-Based Lifestyle Written by Connie Rogers Health & Brain Health Coach First Stage Of Change – The Balancing Act The human body balances itself with the signature of foods. Carrots have a signature of our eyes; tomatoes have a signature of our heart; broccoli has a signature of our lungs; avocados have a signature of a woman’s womb, and…
Written by Michael Dermansky With growing concerns about both health and the impact on the environment, more people are concerned or are thinking about moving to a more plant-based diet, but is it better for your health? Why is plant-based food actually important for your diet? Plant-based food is your body’s main source of carbohydrate, your brain’s preferred source of…
Morish and Tasty – Edamame Written by Kevin Kapusi Starow Edamame is actually a dish, rather than a particular ingredient. Though it is so yummy and unusual, we thought it was time to highlight it here. Morish and tasty is the perfect way to describe this Japanese dish which is prepared with immature soybeans in their pod. These pods are…
Love Is In The Hair Written by Lucy Furniss What’s not to love about a haircare range that’s not only great for your hair, but is also kinder and more sustainable for the environment? Plant-based goes beyond just dietary choices, with consumers now delving into what their products are made of and how they are made. With so many great…
Written by Nina Gajic We’ve all heard the saying you are what you eat, but is it really true when it comes to the appearance of your skin? Can certain foods affect the health of your skin? The short answer is yes – not only does the food you eat play a significant role in your appearance, but certain foods…
Written by Kim Guseli, Cosmetic Chemist With the increasing awareness of the impact of our skincare regime on both our health and the environment, the demand for plant-based skincare is on the rise. As many consumers look for a more natural and sustainable approach to their skincare routine, the popularity of plant-based skincare products is increasing. But what exactly is…
Stop Sickness In Its Tracks With Nature’s Help Written by Mituri Pradip Sharma I’m guessing like the rest of us you don’t want to spend winter being tied up in bed sick, right? I hear you! You’re busy. We’re all guilty of ignoring what’s important for our health and well-being in order to complete that little bit of extra work…
Going Vegan with Your Furry Friend Written by Aleksandar Mishkov, owner of The Daily Tail We have spent centuries of domesticating dogs. While dogs began as carnivores, centuries of domestication have made canines enjoy veggies. Dogs have adapted to our lifestyle. While they still retain some of their wolf-like instincts, nowadays, puppies enjoy vegan dog treats as much as meaty…
During Your Travels 4 Ways To Enjoy Diversity Written by Diana Vicheva Mark Twain, one of the most well-traveled writers, famously observed, ‘Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the…
Written by Chantelle Otten, Lovehoney Ambassador & Psycho-Sexologist There are a wide range of activities that fall under the sexual umbrella, and diversity in the space of sex and wellness is an important part of keeping your relationship refreshed and keeping that ‘spark’ we hear so much about, alive. While vanilla sex certainly has a time and place, changing things…
Written by Julia Schafer In Australia, there is no point dreaming of a White Christmas when the temperatures soar and the air conditioners are cranking, so what I’m dreaming of this year is a Compostable Christmas. A Christmas that respects our Planet and its resources and reduces our reliance on single-use plastics, glitter, and sap happy greeting cards. Are you…
Enrich Your Life Diversify Your Thinking Written by Tania Burgess – Wellbeing coach, counsellor & mindfulness facilitator Most people know the benefits of living with diversity in our community; the richness that comes with experiencing different foods, philosophies, and ways of interpreting the world and what it means to us. When our community is limited to the same people, the…
Written by Toni Salter, The Veggie Lady We all want companionship. Life is just better with someone else around. Finding the right person to do life with can happen quite by accident for some, but for others, it’s more by design. Finding a soulmate or a workmate makes life fun, easier, productive and simply more enjoyable. But when we find…
Diversity In Your Exercise Program Written by Michael Dermansky – Senior Physiotherapist – MD Health If you’re a runner, it’s easy to do the same thing every time for your exercise program, go for a run. If you like doing Pilates classes, it’s easy to do the same class on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 pm and feel that you…
Who Is The One Reigning Judgment On Us All? Mirror Mirror On The Wall! Written by Susie Taaffe People judge others in order to make themselves feel better about themselves. Like a hierarchical pecking order which is relentless and exhausting. But are they really judging others or is it actually a cry for how small they feel about themselves? How…
We All Need It, But At What Cost? Written by Liz O’Dwyer Clothing is an essential daily item because, well, if we ventured outdoors without clothing we’d be arrested. It’s also a way to express ourselves as individuals. We can tell so much about a person by the clothes they wear. But our quest to be fashionable comes at a…
Soy Good Soda Noodles Now you can share a meal with your best mate while helping out others in need. This delicious recipe is from a new book Noodles4Noodles. Which is a recipe book full of noodle recipes from around the world that are suitable for both dogs and humans to share together. The Noodles4Noodles Cookbook – raising funds for…
All For A Good Cause Share A Meal With Your Pet Pooch Share A Meal With Your Pet Pooch Does your hound hang around the table begging for titbits and wishing they could eat with their humans – well, now they can! And it’s all for a good cause. The Noodles4Noodles Cookbook – raising funds for Greyhound Rescue – is…
How Traveling Can Change Your Mindset Forever Written by Orsolya Bartalis It is so great to see the world returning to long-distance travel. Families are able to reunite again all around the world, friends are reconnecting and some people are also ready to start travelling for fun. In a great way, the pandemic transformed the culture of travel across the…
Creative Ways To Repurpose & Reuse Written by Julia Schafer Of all the five R’s; Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot my favourite would have to be Reuse. I mean sure, I recycle like a BOSS but sometimes I am a bit dubious as to how my recycling is treated and where it ends up, once it is taken away…
A Resurgence In Sustainable Lifestyles Written by Liz O’Dwyer When life gets busy, it’s easy to fall back into old, unsustainable habits. Don’t beat yourself up, simply realign and start again. In the last two and a half years I’ve seen a lot of change in people’s lifestyles, my own included. People seem to have been in a holding pattern,…
Jurassic World Dominion Written by Amelie Jones (with subedits by Ana Jones) It is difficult to span almost 30 years of Jurassic movies into a few hundred words – let alone a 147-minute movie. But we will try and catch you up! We meet Claire Dearing (played by Bryce Dallas Howard), Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Maisie Lockwood (Isabella Sermon)…